Page 32 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 1/2018
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                                cOnFErEncE On glass PrOBlEMs
                          post show report

                   More than 560 people     and solutions providers.
                   converged upon the       The plenary session
                   Greater Columbus         started with remarks from
                   Convention Center 6-9    Lipetz, and programme    present addition material   is good long term for
                   November, for the 78th   director S.K. Sundaram   on materials science and   our industry. It allows
                   annual Conference        of Alfred University, and   current research. Lipetz   them to look at glass
                   on Glass Problems        the keynote address from   said the symposium     versus other materials
                   (GPC). The conference    David Pye, who made      doubled the program size   and ultimately helps us to
                   brings together global   the case for the arrival of   and brought in a new   build the next generation
                   manufacturers, suppliers,   the “Glass Age.” Pye is   variety of expert lectures,   of glass specialists,” Ross
                   and academics to         professor of glass science   as well as supported   said.
                   exchange innovations and   (emeritus) and past    significant international   Lipetz agreed, stating the
                   solutions.               president of The American   participation.        conference has gone from
                   According to Robert      Ceramic Society.         According to Philip Ross,   no student attendance to
                   Lipetz, conference       Tom Cleary, research     an independent consultant   45 students at this year’s
                   coorganizer and executive   manager at Corning, Inc.,   in the glass manufacturing   event, which included a
                   director of the Glass    discussed his research to   industry, the real-world   tour of Owens Corning’s
                   Manufacturing Industry   bring thin, lightweight   data with relevant      glass plant.
                   Council (GMIC), the      glass to the automotive   solutions is one the    “Most students have not
                   record attendance reflects   industry; Paul Woskov,   reasons the conference   seen an industrial glass
                   the increasing value of the   senior research engineer   was worthwhile. Ross has   furnace and it’s a real eye
                   conference to the glass   at MIT, spoke about     attended the conference   opener for them,” Lipetz
                   manufacturing industry.   gyrotron based melting;   since 1963.            explained, adding the
                   GMIC and Alfred          Reinhard Conradt RWTH    “I was impressed by      networking opportunities
                   University coorganize the   Aachen University,    the timeliness of the    at the evening hospitality
                   event.                   Germany, (retired) spoke   information shared,”   booths and salons were
                   “GMIC and the            about the relation between   Ross said. “There were   also a bonus.
                   GPC advisory board,      furnace efficiency and the   some really good papers   Andrew Balassi, an
                   comprised of industry    physics and chemistry of   presented. We saw      undergraduate at
                   volunteers, with support   the melting process; and   solutions to problems   Missouri University of
                   from Alfred University,   Erik Muijsenberg, vice   we have not seen before:   Science and Technology,
                   implemented a plan to    president of Glass Service,   For instance, one paper   was a recipient of a USD
                   increase the opportunities   made the case for how   discussed a solution   500 student grant. GPC
                   to find value, supporting   ‘Industrial Revolution 4.0’   found for a furnace that   was the first conference
                   attendees’ professional   – complete automation   they found only three    he had attended, and
                   objectives,” Lipetz      – will impact the glass   weeks ago. I believe this   he said it lived up to
                   explained. “To that end,   industry. Rounding out   up-to-date discussion of   his expectations with
                   we added short courses,   the plenary session was   the troubleshooting of   exhibits, lectures, and
                   this year covering topics   current Alfred University   methods is very important   meeting people. He
                   in batch and furnace,    president Mark Zupan,    for the manufacturers    underestimated the
                   safety and controls, as   who celebrated all of the   here.”               networking aspect,
                   well as a full-day GMIC   great glass innovators   Ross also felt the      however.
                   organized symposium on   who came out of Alfred   inclusion of students    “I believe this was a great
                   reducing construction,   University.              at the conference,       networking opportunity
                   rebuild and hot repair   Added this year to the   thanks to a generous     for me,” Balassi said. “I
                   times, which was very well   conference was the 11th   student travel grant   graduate in two semesters
                   received.”               Advances in Fusion and   underwritten by the O-I   and will be looking for
                   The conference featured   Processing of Glass     Charitable Foundation,   a job. I met with several
                   technical sessions       symposium, organized     Air Products, and RoMan   people here that I will be
                   addressing manufacturing   in collaboration with   Manufacturing, was a    able to follow up with,
                   issues, citing real-world   ACerS Glass and Optical   great addition.      and I think that was very
                   data from manufacturers   Materials Division to   “Including the students   beneficial for me.”

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