Page 30 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2018
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                                                          IRIS INSPECTION MACHINES     Heinz-Glas Dzialdowo
                                                                                       in Poland, there has
                 EVOLUTION ULTIMATE 4 MACHINES                                         been close co-operation
                                                                                       between the parent Heinz-
                                                     FOR HEINZ-GLAS                    Glas Group and IRIS
                                                                                       Inspection machines since
             The Polish subsidiary   Ultimate 4 design for its   has been designed for   2011. One of the world’s
             of Heinz-Glas has       Klein Tettau glassworks in   the inspection of sidewall   leading manufacturers
             taken delivery of its first   Bavaria. Evolution Ultimate   defects such as stones,   of glass flaconnage for
             non-contact inspection   4 is a compact version of   blisters and inclusions, as   internationally-renowned
             equipment from IRIS     the Evolution Ultimate non-  well as deformations and   perfume and cosmetics
             Inspection Machines in   contact inspection solution   verticality defects, plus the   brands, Heinz-Glas
             recent weeks. Designed   from IRIS Inspection    detection of uneven glass   installed its first Evolution
             specifically for the     Machines, requiring an area   distribution in the base.   1 inspection machine at the
             inspection of perfume   of just one metre on the   In addition, the Evolution   Piesau glassworks in central
             and cosmetics ware that   cold end conveyor, thanks   Ultimate 4 machine can   Germany. Subsequently, a
             requires the highest level of   to its innovative features.   detect such transparent   diverse range of Evolution
                                     Both machine designs run   cosmetic defects as oil and   equipment has been
             perfection, two Evolution
             Ultimate 4 machines     the same software and    lap marks, surface blisters,   acquired for the advanced
             have been installed on   inspection tools, in addition   orange skin, tears and   Piesau and Klein Tettau
             the flint cosmetics line in   to which their hardware has   wash boards etc. Although   factories in Germany, as
             Dzialdowo. This follows   been specially developed   this is the first time IRIS   well as for the Heinz-Glas
             the glassmaker’s acquisition   to limit maintenance   inspection equipment   site in Lima, Peru. This
             of the very first Evolution   downtime. The machine   has been purchased for   includes combinations of   <

             New 100% STEEL Wear Protected Chain

                      Ramsey All-Steel chains are tough enough for the most demanding applications. Protected
                      against lateral chain and pin head wear by all steel, hardened, alloy side links, the links in this
                     chain will never crack under pressure.
             If you have tried other chains and had problems with sintered metal links cracking, those
             days are over. All-Steel can be added to almost any style conveying chain. This product
             breakthrough is only available from Ramsey.
             Contact Ramsey at, (704) 394-0322,
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