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                   NADIR                                                                      Applicants.
                                                                                              “Structural remedies
                   PROPOSED ACQUISITION OF O-I UNIT                                           would virtually mean
                                                                                              non-acceptance of the
                   DISCOURAGED BY AUTHORITIES                                                 operation and behavioural
                                                                                              remedies are unlikely to
                    Nadir Figueiredo’s      in the same market and   “A series of acquisitions   be sufficient to mitigate
                    proposed acquisition    at the same stage in the   in recent years have been   competitive concerns,” he
                    of O-I’s tableware      production of domestic   gradually concentrating   concluded.
                    unit in Brazil has been   glass utilities.       more and more the        The case will now be
                    discouraged by the      “The analysis pointed    domestic market of       passed on to one of Cade’s
                    authorities. Brazil’s   to the existence of a    domestic utilities in the   six advisers, who will
                    General Superintendence   market which, prior to   hands of the company,”   report the case.
                    (SG) of the             the operation, was already   said the secretary.   He or she should prepare
                    Administrative Council for   very concentrated.   “The competitive problems   a vote, whether or not
                    Economic Defense (Cade)   “Nadir in some points   arising from the operation   following the suggestion
                    suggested the acquisition   (such as the maintenance   are difficult to negotiate,   of the SG, which will then
                    should be denied.       of margins and revenues   given the characteristics of   be voted by the plenary
                    The Superintendent said   even with the entry of   the market, the operation   of the antitrust authority,
                    the acquisition would   imported ones) already   and the fact that there is   formed by the councillors
                    lead to the joining of   has a large market      only one large competitor   and the president of the
                    companies operating     dominance.               in the country besides the   local authority.

                                                      CHILE GLASS

                        THE GLASS INDUSTRY

                       EVENT FOR CHILE AND

                                  SOUTH AMERICA

                                                                     development of more than 0.920, and per capita GDP of
                   After Baku Glass 2016, Cuba Glass 2016, Iran Glass
                   2017 and Colombia Glass 2017, a new event for     USD 18.465.
                   South America – Chile Glass – will take place 27-28   The event will bring together the main global players
                   November 2018 in Santiago. The event will be held   from glass manufacturing; glass processing; glazing
                   at the Congress Hall of Crowne Plaza Hotel, a five   and fenestration; tools, consumables, spare parts and
                   star hotel, located near all of the city’s most popular   equipment; monitoring and control systems; consultancy,
                   landmarks and companies, in the heart of the city.   engineering and services, from both the flat and hollow
                   The venue of this new two-day event – Crowne Plaza   glass sectors.
                   Santiago – is the ideal choice with a convention facility   Chile Glass is promoted by GlassOnline and the
                   that is one of the largest in the area.           magazines Glass Technology International and Glass
                   Santiago is the country’s capital city, and is the most   Machinery Plants & Accessories.
                   important urban area of Chile and is the seventh most   To download the brochure of the event: http://www.
                   populated city of South America, and the 35th largest
                   metropolitan area in the world.
                   Chile’s capital is home
                   to many of the country’s                                 The Glass Industry
                   government (except for the
                   National Congress, which                                 Event for Chile and
                   is in Valparaiso), financial,
                   commercial and cultural                                  South America
                   offices, and is considered as
                   the third city of Latin America                            27-28 NOVEMBER 2018     CROWNE
                   with regards to the quality of   2018                     SANTIAGO DE CHILE        PLAZA HOTEL
                   life, with an index of human

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