Page 45 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2018
P. 45

Verallia, third                HISTORICAL GLASSMAKING           bottles, mainly for the beers and
                                              TRADITIONS                       spirits markets. A role model for
               global producer of               Opened in 1827, the Vauxrot    the circular economy, the Vauxrot
                                              plant is the Verallia group’s his-  plant recycles very high quantities
               glass packaging                torical glassmaking facility. In   of cullet processed by Everglass in
                                              2015, Verallia invested several   Rozet-Saint-Albin, 30 kilometres
               for food and                   hundreds of thousands of Euros   from the site.
                                              to adapt its installations to the new   “We now have an extensively
               beverages,                     dark amber colour. Almost black   modernized manufacturing facil-
                                              with high density, it protects the   ity to continue improving qual-
               offers innovative,             contents from the effects of light   ity and productivity, essential
                                              and gives products an image of   on highly competitive markets.
               customized and                 refinement and distinction. With   We’ve also improved our teams’
                                              the Saint-Romain-le-Puy facility   working conditions using the
               environmentally                (Loire, France), Vauxrot is one of   5S method which helps us to
                                              only two Group plants in France   ensure safety, cleanliness and the
               friendly solutions             making yellow and dark amber     organization of the plant at all

               to more than

               10,000 customers

               around the world.

               In this article, the

               company ‘speaks’

               about its recent

               new furnace

               lighting at its

               historical Vauxrot

               glass plant, now

               making bottles

               for the wine, spirits

               and beer markets.

              © Verallia – Ph. Franck Dunouau

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