Page 48 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2018
P. 48

         Software  introduces SIL2018

                 HE SIL2018 OVERALL           and the section downtimes with     This new release supports 15
                 EQUIPMENT                    associated losses; which are the   languages and Vertech’ is ready
             TEFFECTIVENESS (OEE)             underlying metrics for measuring   to upgrade SIL installations for
             INDICATOR                        manufacturing productivity.      its client base worldwide.
               French supervision solu-         SIL2018 consolidates these
             tions company Vertech’ invests   metrics into an OEE Key          SIL – INTEGRATION
             approximately 25 per cent of its   Performance Indicator calculated   AND OPTIMIZATION
             annual turnover in R&D. In fact,   in real time and available in dif-  OF KEY MANUFACTURING
             every year a number of software   ferent time frames.             PROCESSES
             functionalities are integrated into   The OEE is now displayed      The SIL system helps man-
             SIL, working in synergy with     in SILC together with its three   ufacturers increase the profit-
             clients and equipment manufac-   components and has also been     ability and the quality of the
             turers.                          added to the end of production   products with a range of mod-
               SIL2018, the most recent ver-  reports.                         ular solutions for the central-
             sion, was officially released in    These indicators are also avail-  ized management of production
             December 2018, and includes      able in SILX, which is the pro-  data of markets such as hollow
             more than 20 new features,       duction web portal of the system,   ware: bottles and jars, decora-
             among which a robust Overall     where managers and personnel     tion on glass bottles, and tubes
             Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)    have real-time access to key per-  and drawn glass.
             calculation managed at different   formance indicators using smart   t Production follow up in real
             levels by the system.            devices.                           time
               The OEE indicator and each       OEE values are additionally    t Management of quality
             of its components (Availability,   available with SILXtractor, which   controls
             Performance and Quality) are     provides powerful data mining    t Traceability
             set to provide important insights   tools for the analysis of the data   t Management of mould
             that will help improve the manu-  stored in SIL database. SIL2018   sets
             facturing process as well as facili-  allows identifying interesting   t Final control and management
             tate management and decision-    OEE trends and deviations with     of pallet resorting
             making.                          analytics over time.             t Management of raw materials
               The SIL system automatically     These KPIs will also be availa-  and glass campaigns
             calculates the production yields   ble for production lines manufac-  t Data mining
             of the lines, the speed and per-  turing two or more articles simul-  t Management of the plant per-
             formance of the IS machines,     taneously on the IS machine.       formance: KPI

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