Page 24 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 1-2019
P. 24

Business News

                Easier and more complete energy management

                 PInstruments announces new  VPVision release,    Ѵ-ul lo7†Ѵ;Ĺ ( (bvbom
             Vmaking energy management even easier and more      already featured an op-
             complete. Besides minor improvements in the system   ঞom-Ѵ  -Ѵ-ul  =†m1ঞom-Ѵ-
             b|v;Ѵ=ķ |_; 1†v|olbŒ-0Ѵ; u;rou| =†m1ঞom-Ѵb|‹ o= ( (bvbom   b|‹ bm1Ѵ†7bm] 7;Cmbঞom o= |_u;v_oѴ7v -Ѵ-ul Ѵ;ˆ;Ѵv -m7 ;l-bѴv
             has been greatly improved and expanded. A great new   for out of bounds alarms. This new alarm report module fea-
             layout is implemented and features have been added like   |†u;v -m -Ѵ-ul Ѵo] -m7 v|-ঞvঞ1vĺ
             vr;1bC1 ro‰;u =ou oˆ;u-ѴѴ v‹v|;l ;L1b;m1‹ bm h)ņl ņ  ); 0;Ѵb;ˆ; ;m;u]‹ l-m-];l;m| v_o†Ѵ7 0; ;-v‹ -m7 ;@ou|-
             lbm ou )_ņl . New features also include:            Ѵ;vvѴ‹ĺ  )b|_  |_;  -†|ol-|;7  u;rou|  =†m1ঞom  o=  ( (bvbomķ
              omv†lrঞom oˆ;uˆb;‰Ĺ oˆ;uˆb;‰ o= |o|-Ѵ 1omv†lrঞom r;u   there is hardly any need to look at the system itself any-
             †v;uņ7bˆbvbomĺ  †u|_;ulou;ķ 1_-m];v 1-m -Ѵvo 0; b7;mঞC;7   more.
             -v |o|-Ѵ 1omv†lrঞom ˆ-Ѵ†;v -u; -Ѵvo 1olr-u;7 ‰b|_ ˆ-Ѵ†;v   ( (bvbom bv |_; m;Š| v|;r bm 1om|uoѴѴbm] =-1|ou‹ ;L1b;m1‹
             of the previous period.                             and energy management, by overviewing all energy usage

              ;‹  ;u=oul-m1;  m7b1-|ou  o7†Ѵ;Ĺ lomb|ou ;L1b;m1‹ -m7   r-‚;umv  Yo‰bm]  |_uo†]_  -m‹  bmv|-ѴѴ-ঞomĺ  ( (bvbom  ruo-
             orঞlbv-ঞom |-u];|v 0;‚;u ‰b|_ |_; m;‰ r;u=oul-m1; bm-  vides advanced web-based energy monitoring and can be
             7b1-|ou  lo7†Ѵ;  bm  ( (bvbomĽv  u;rou|vĺ   ;uvom-Ѵ     v  1-m   -11;vv;7 =uol -m‹   ķ |-0Ѵ;| ou 1;ѴѴ r_om;ĺ  | bv |_; 1oum;u-
             0; v;Ѵ;1|;7ķ |u-1hbm] 1_-m];v 0‹ 1olr-ubm] -     ‰b|_ |_;   v|om; o= -m‹ ;m;u]‹ l-m-];l;m| ;mˆbuoml;m| †m7;u  "
             previous period and see performance in one glance by pre-  ƔƏƏƏƐ 1;uঞC1-ঞomĺ
             7;Cm;7 1oѴo†uv =ou    vĺ
             Compressor analysis module: Compressors can now be de-
             Cm;7 lou; -11†u-|;Ѵ‹ķ bm1Ѵ†7bm] |‹r; o= 1olru;vvouķ Ѵo-7ņ
             †mѴo-7 1‹1Ѵ;v -m7 v|-];vķ u;v†Ѵঞm] bm blruoˆ;7 -m-Ѵ‹vbv o=
             compressor performance.                                      WWW.VPINSTRUMENTS.COM

                glass machinery plants & accessories 1/2019
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