Page 26 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 1-2019
P. 26

Business News

               VERALLIA ZARAGOZA
             Business excellence award

                 he 2018 award for business excellence has been given to Verallia’s plant in Zaragoza, Spain, and was handed over to
             T †Ѵo]bo  ॕr;Œķ |_; rѴ-m| l-m-];uķ 0‹ |_;  u-]om  mvঞ|†|; =ou ;1omolb1 7;ˆ;Ѵorl;m| Ő   őĺ
             ƑƏƐѶ _-v 0;;m - l-fou ‹;-u =ou |_; "-u-]ovv- rѴ-m|ĺ  -v|  †m;ķ b| 1;Ѵ;0u-|;7 b|v C[b;|_ -mmbˆ;uv-u‹ -v ‰;ѴѴ -v |_; u;1omv|u†1ঞom o=
             om; o= b|v |‰o =†um-1;vĺ
              m "r-bmķ (;u-ѴѴb- bv - l-fou rѴ-‹;u om b|v 7ol;vঞ1 l-uh;| ‰b|_ vbŠ ]Ѵ-vv rѴ-m|v Ő Œ†t†;1-ķ  †u]ovķ  om|0Ѵ-m1ķ ,-u-]oŒ-ķ ";ˆbѴѴ;
                                                                   -m7 $;Ѵ7;ő vru;-7 oˆ;u |_; ‰_oѴ; 1o†m|u‹ĺ $_; ,-u-]oŒ-
                                                                   rѴ-m| bv _b]_Ѵ‹ vr;1b-ѴbŒ;7 om |_; 0;;u l-uh;|ĺ $_; "r-m-
                                                                   bv_ rѴ-m|v -Ѵvo ruo7†1; =ou |_; vঞѴѴ -m7 vr-uhѴbm] ‰bm;vķ
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                  ;ˆomŊ0-v;7  ]Ѵ-vvl-h;u  Dartington Crystal will   DARTINGTON CRYSTAL
                                                                 New chapter announced
             Dbegin 2019 with the management team having ac-
             t†bu;7 |_; l-foub|‹ 1om|uoѴ o= |_; 0†vbm;vvĺ
             "bm1; ƑƏƏѵķ  -uঞm]|omĽv 1_-bul-m -m7 l-fou v_-u;_oѴ7;uķ
              o_m  -llom7    ķ _-v Ѵ;7 |_; 1olr-m‹ |o bm7;r;m7;m|
             ownership and strengthened its performance to its current

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             !b1_-u7  -ѴѴb7-‹ Ő1oll;u1b-Ѵ 7bu;1Ŋ|ouő -m7  Ѵ-m !-lv-‹ ŐC-
             m-m1; 7bu;1|ouő ŋ _-ˆ; 0;;m v†rrou|;7 0‹  -u1Ѵ-‹v  -mh |o
             |-h; - l-fou v_-u; o= |_; 0†vbm;vv -m7 1omঞm†; b|v ]uo‰|_ĺ
              -m-]bm] 7bu;1|ou  ;bѴ  †]_;v 1oll;m|vĹ ľ); -u; ]u-|;=†Ѵ
                                                                   From right: Key shareholders Neil Hughes, managing director,
             |o  o_m  -llom7 =ou _bv 1ollb|l;m| -m7 bmˆ;v|l;m| bm   and Richard Halliday, commercial director,
              -uঞm]|om  u‹v|-Ѵ oˆ;u |_; Ѵ-v| ƐƑ ‹;-uvĺ ); -u; 7;Ѵb]_|;7   |o-v| |o |_; =†|†u; ‰b|_  -uঞm]|om
             |o 0; -0Ѵ; |o =†u|_;u _bv -l0bঞomv =ou |_;  olr-m‹ -m7 =ou
             _bv 0;Ѵb;= bm †v -v - l-m-];l;m| |;-lĺĿ              ;v‰b1h 1;u-lb1vĺ
              o_m   -llom7  -77vĹ  ľ ;vrb|;  l-uh;|  1_-ѴѴ;m];vķ   -u|-  In recent years, the company has developed a diverse range
             bm]|om   u‹v|-Ѵ  -m7  b|v  ;lrѴo‹;;v  -u;  ‰;ѴѴŊrovbঞom;7  |o   of sales channels including high street retailers, wine and
             l;;| |_;l -m7 ruovr;uĺ   -l ˆ;u‹ ruo†7 bm ‰_-| ‰; _-ˆ;   vrbub|vķ 1ourou-|; ]b[v -m7 0;vroh; o‰mŊѴ-0;Ѵ ruo7†1|vĺ  m
             -1_b;ˆ;7 oˆ;u |_; ‹;-uv -m7 Ѵooh =ou‰-u7 |o v;;bm] ruo]u;vv   2017, the business celebrated 50 years of trading with re-
             1omঞm†;7ĺĿ                                          1ou7 v-Ѵ;v o= 1bu1-     ƐƓlĺ
             As the last factory scale producer of crystal in the UK, Dar-
             ঞm]|om   u‹v|-Ѵ  ;lrѴo‹v  ƐƒƏ  v|-@  -|  b|v $ouubm]|om  _;-7-
             t†-u|;uv bm  ;ˆomķ & ĺ $_;  olr-m‹ -Ѵvo o‰mv |_; "1oমv_
              -b|_m;vv  Ѵ-vv 0u-m7ķ !o‹-Ѵ  ub;uѴ;‹ 1†| 1u‹v|-Ѵ -m7  o_m   WWW.DARTINGTON.CO.UK

                glass machinery plants & accessories 1/2019
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