Page 88 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4-2019
P. 88

         Market survey
             volume (a drop of 2 per cent in   cent of share from 2016, liquor   ing lines in the North American
             share from 2017).                and ready-to-drink liquor (8 per   region.
                                              cent), and wine at 8 per cent.
             SPIRITS, WINE,                                                    GLASS MANUFACTURING
             FOOD & BEVERAGES                 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS              FACILITIES
               While shipments of beer bottles   Imports of empty wine bottles    In October 2018, Saverglass
             to customers are down slightly,   (in the standard 750 ml format)   ( opened its
             glass containers for liquor and   and 12 oz. bottles increased, help-  Guadalajara, Mexico, plant to
             food increased. The food category,   ing to meet customer demand in   serve the growing tequila, mez-
             reflecting an increase in shipments   wine and key beverage catego-  cal, rum and spirits customer
             to customers, accounts for 20 per   ries. Exports of glass containers   markets across North America
             cent of the industry’s volume, fol-  decreased slightly from recent   and the Caribbean. Plant pro-
             lowed by non-alcoholic beverages   highs in 2017, likely the result   duction is focused on packaging
             (10 per cent) which grew 1 per   of new production manufactur-    that can showcase these premium
                                                                               products, both in white flint and
                                                                               antique glass formats.
                                                                               GLASS PACKAGING AND
                                                                               MARKET TRENDS
                                                                                  Consumer attitudes – along
                                                                               with growing market trends
                                                                               around transparency, sustainabil-
                                                                               ity and ocean-safe products and
                                                                               specialty and premium goods –
                                                                               present strong opportunities for
                                                                               glass containers.
                                                                                  Consumers continue to rank
                                                                               glass bottles number one for taste
                                                                               – 90 per cent favour glass to best
                                                                               preserve the taste or flavour of
                                                                               the food and beverages, accord-
                                                                               ing to an EcoFocus Worldwide
                                                                               2017 survey. Glass is the most
                                                                               neutral and natural of packaging
                                                                               materials, with an almost zero rate
                                                                               of chemical interaction, ensuring
                                                                               product integrity, and preserving
                                                                               and presenting flavour exactly as
                                                                                  With consumers more educated
                                                                               and mindful about what they put
                                                                               in their bodies, ensuring product
                                                                               integrity is critical. Brands that
                                                                               are making organic, clean label
                                                                               and other “functional” products, a
                                                                               growing market category, want a
                                                                               natural and transparent package to
                                                                               match. Unlike cans, drink boxes,
                                                                               pouches, and other food and bev-
                                                                               erage packaging, glass bottles and
                                                                               jars are the only packaging that
                                                                               doesn’t require a plastic or chemi-
                                                                               cal liner that may affect the taste of
                                                                               food – and consumer health.
                                                                                  As premiumization grows in
                                                                               all categories – especially wine

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