Page 89 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4-2019
P. 89

The BottleDrop refillable
                  glass bottle is the world’s
                           most sustainable
                   package. The initiative is
                led by the Oregon Beverage
                    Recycling Cooperative’s
                       refillable beer bottle
                 program and partners with
                    eight Oregon breweries

             and spirits – no other packag-   sumers. In a fall 2018 survey by   refillable bottles can be used 25
             ing material matches glass for a   G&S Business Communications,   times before being retired from
             premium consumer experience.     glass bottles and jars came out   circulation and recycled into new
             Design attributes only possible   on top (57 per cent) as the     containers, while delivering up
             with glass offer an exceptional   packaging US consumers believe   to 66 times less CO2 emissions
             package. Glass bottles with thick   is most sustainable, followed by   per container than aluminium
             bases, embossing and decoration   corrugated boxes (51 per cent),   cans. The cost per filling is also
             work together with label designs   metal cans (38 per cent), flexibles   reduced over the lifetime of the
             to present a harmonized, high-   (37 per cent) and plastic (34 per   bottle.
             quality image that convey the story   cent).
             of the brand and offer unmatched   Glass is also ocean friendly.   LOOKING AHEAD
             shelf presence.                  Because glass bottle and jars are   The industry’s economic indi-
               Texture is also an important   primarily made from sand and     cators are steady, and consumer
             design trend. Glass has always   other natural ingredients, they   sentiment shows glass remains
             been a tactile medium and can    don’t harm oceans or marine life.   on top as the packaging of choice
             be leveraged to include micro-   Glass bottles are 100 per cent   for taste, health and sustainabil-
             textures that communicate where   recyclable, safe and non-toxic,   ity. Glass manufacturers remain
             to grip, hold and pour, as well as   with recycling programs for glass   ready to offer more operation-
             signature elements such as logos   available to 81 per cent of the US   al flexibility, including smaller
             and graphics. More than ever,    population. Recycled content in   batches and rapid response, as
             brands are seeking to push the   glass bottles is also maximized   well as continued lightweight-
             envelope when it comes to tex-   in markets where the quality,    ing. They are also positioned to
             ture, incorporating textured paper   price and availability allow that   respond to brands seeking to
             labels, shrink sleeves, textured   to occur.                      inspire new occasions for con-
             inks, moulded or embossed clo-     While consumers know that      sumption by offering new capac-
             sures and more.                  glass is endlessly recyclable, reus-  ity sizes – both smaller as well
               The design qualities of glass   able and resealable, 2018 saw   as larger and shareable. Finally,
             packaging are showcased in the   a surge in the refillable bottle   glass packaging remains in the
             2018 Clear Choice Awards win-    market. Piloted in 2017, the     unique position to capitalize on
             ners. This competition, which    BottleDrop refillable glass bottle   premium and specialty experi-
             recognizes glass packaging used   officially launched in 2018 as the   ences, which remain on-trend
             by North America’s top brands    world’s most sustainable pack-   across product categories. O
             and manufacturers, named win-    age. Led by the Oregon Beverage
             ners in seven categories, including   Recycling Cooperative’s refillable
             a new “sustainability” category.   beer bottle program – featuring
             Gruppo Campari’s Wild Turkey     O-I’s ( Portland, Ore.,
             Longbranch took top honours in   produced bottle – the initiative
             the Wine and Spirits category and   partners with eight Oregon brew-  Joe Cattaneo
             also captured the overall award.  eries.                             Joe Cattaneo is the executive
                                                Consumers are encouraged to        director of Glass Packaging
             RECYCLABLE, REFILLABLE           return, rather than recycle, these   Institute. For more information,
             AND OCEAN FRIENDLY               500 ml and 12 oz. beer bot-  and
               The desire for sustainable     tles, which can be customized  
             packaging is a high value for con-  with label and closure. These

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