Page 94 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4-2019
P. 94

         Company profile

             A WIDE VARIETY                   transportation cost savings. As a   ally, special film is glued on top of
             OF CONTAINERS                    result, it allows us to reduce the   the pallet to protect against UV
               Glass container production is   cost of the finished product.    rays, atmospheric precipitation,
             carried out on Emhart Glass IS -   //1#     CPUUMF   QSPEVDUJPO   etc.
             5” and IS - 6 ¼” 8 and 12 section   is enforced by the strict con-   This equipment, combined
             glass-forming machines capable   trol of technological parameters   with the modern management
             of running in single- , double-   of the glass melting furnace:   system based on Simatik indus-
             and triple-gob mode (SG, DG      glass fluctuation level in the fur-  trial controllers, provide a very
             and TG), producing glass con-    nace is equal to no more than    high-quality and high-speed
             tainers in three possible ways:  +/-0.2mm, the temperature in     packaging of finished goods.
             t  #MPX BOE #MPX   EPVCMF CMPX   the furnace +/-1C, glass temper-    There is also a possibility to
              method) The invaluable advan-   ature just before serving it to the   package the products in small
              tage of this method of glass    glass forming machine +/-0.2C,   mono packages using Termopak
              blowing is the possibility of   a gob weight +/-1g. All these    packaging equipment.
              forming a wide variety of glass   things are achieved with the help   All products are stored in our
              bottles in terms of type and    of PPC equipment, invented and   own closed, clean and dry indus-
              purpose.                        patented by Emhart Glass (USA,   trial warehouses.
             t 1#   1SFTT  #MPX     XJEF OFDL   Switzerland).                     Another    advantage     of
              press blow). An effective for-                                   Peskovskiy Glass Plant is its own
              mation way, which is inten-     PACKAGING                        modern transformer substation
              sively developed and used in the   AT THE COLD END               110/10kW. The substation pro-
              production of narrow-necked       Finished products, once passed   vides high-quality power supply
              hollow thin-walled glass con-   quality control, are carried to the   to all plant equipment, ensuring
              tainers – light-weight glass.   glass packing plant by conveyors   its long-term use without emer-
             t //1#  /BSSPX /FDL 1SFTT BOE    system to be packed into shrink   gency breakdowns. O
              #MPX   OBSSPX OFDL QSFTT CMPX    film.
              The method is characterized by    It is really important to pack
              uniform glass distribution, with   them well for further warehouse
              the absence of so-called “feeder   storage, handling and custom-
              belt” - undulation on the glass   er shipping. For this purpose,
              body. Weight savings are up to   we use fully automatic column
              20-30 per cent, while the speed   type palletizers of Italian firm
              of the glass - forming machines   Zecchetti as well as shrink equip-
              is increased by 10-15 per cent.  ment of famous French company
               This leads to a unit cost reduc-  Thimon.                           PGP GLASSWORKS
             tion of raw materials and energy   Packaging is carried out in two
             resources, increased productivity   steps - packaging and shrinking           1, Teterevskaya Str.,
             of glass forming machines, and   of pallet itself, and then, addition-    Borodyanka district - Kiev Region
                                                                                        07820 Urban Village Peskovka
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