Page 68 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5-2019
P. 68

        Country outlook
                HE SOUTH AFRICAN             study. The country’s winemakers   industry. Consol Glass, the older
                CONTAINER GLASS              are winning new markets around    and bigger of two accounts for
            TINDUSTRY                        the world, which has proved a     about 75-80 per cent of the
              Over the last few years, South   boom for container glass produc-  domestic container glass market.
            Africa has become one of the     ers in the country.               Nampak Glass accounts for the
            largest container glass producers   The country’s beer industry    remaining 20-25 per cent of the
            and consumers on the African     is one of the largest contribu-   container glass demand in the
            continent. Two container glass   tors to container glass consump-  country.
            producers, who operate a total   tion as South Africa remains a
            of five container glass plants,   beer drinking nation. Beer sales   CONSOL GLASS
            account for the entire production   totalled ZAR 54.7 billion in 2017,   Consol Glass is the largest
            of container glass products in the   with 3.2 billion litres consumed.   glass-packaging  manufactur-
            country.                         77.7 per cent of all alcohol con-  er in South Africa. The com-
              In 2018, the container glass   sumed in 2017 was beer – while    pany has over half a century
            industry   registered  modest    it accounts for 54.6 per cent     of glass-manufacturing experi-
            growth as the economy con-       of the market share in terms of   ence. Consol Glass operates four
            tracted and pressure on dispos-  value. The beer market, in terms   container glass plants in South
            able incomes increased due to    of both volume and value is larger   Africa. The company has opera-
            an increase in VAT to 15 per     than all other alcohol categories   tions in Clayville (Midrand),
            cent, fuel price hikes and higher   combined.  Africa is one of the   Wadeville (Germiston), Nigel
            levels of unemployment. South    most exciting beer markets glob-  (Johannesburg) and Bellville
            Africa entered a technical reces-  ally. It has been forecasted to be   (Cape Town), with a total pro-
            sion in the second half of year   the fastest growing beer market   duction capacity of 855,000
            2018, which impacted consumer    over the next five years. Africa’s   tonnes of glass per annum.
            demand and thereby container     beer market is said to be worth     The company provides glass-
            glass demand. Slowdown in        USD 13 billion and has shown      packaging solutions for a number
            South African economy increased   year-on-year growth. Despite     of industries, including beer, wine,
            the volume of container glass    recent economic headwinds on      food and spirits, and packaging
            exports by 31.5 per cent based   the continent which has slowed    for pharmaceutical and cosmetic
            on value. The country exported   growth in many other sectors, the   products to a range of local and
            container glass worth USD 60.5   beer industry on the continent    international customers.
            million to a number of regional   continue to grow steadily.         Consol Glass also operates
            countries.                                                         container glass plants in Kenya,
              South Africa’s wine industry,   CONTAINER GLASS                  Nigeria and Ethiopia. These three
            which has made a name for itself   MANUFACTURERS IN SOUTH          plants have installed capacities of
            in recent years in the global           AFRICA                     37,000, 40,000 and 40,000 tons
            wine market has been one                      Two leading con-     per annum of container glass
            of the catalysts of con-                      tainer glass produc-  products, respectively.
            tainer glass demand                            ers dominate the      The Ethiopian container glass
            growth in last few                              South African      plant started up in the last quar-
            years. South Africa is                          container glass    ter of year 2018. Designed to
            the world’s 7th larg-
            est wine producer. Its
            vineyards account for
            4 per cent of global wine
            output, and volumes have
            increased 20 per cent over
            four years to about 420 million
            litres annually. South Africa’s
            wine sector, which dates back to
            the arrival of the first European
            settlers in the 1650s, employs
            300,000 people directly and
            indirectly and contributed about
            USD 3 billion to the economy in
            2017, according to an industry

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