Page 70 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5-2019
P. 70

        Country outlook
            tion lines at its site southeast
            of Johannesburg with installed
            capacity of 285,000 tonnes. The
            company has a share of 18 per
            cent of the beer market, 25 per
            cent share of flavoured alcoholic
            beverages, 21 per cent share in
            the wine market and 67 per cent
            share of the spirits market.
              To meet the growing demand
            from wine makers, Nampak
            Glass invested ZAR 1.2 billion   © Creamer Media
            in setting up the company’s third
            furnace in 2014 at its manu-
            facturing facility in Roodekop,
            Gauteng. This increased the
            plant’s capacity from 195,000
            to 285,000 tons a year. When
            the Nampak Glass factory was
            officially opened in 1984 it had
            a single-furnace capable of pro-
            ducing enough glass for 11 per
            cent of the South African mar-
            ket. During construction, provi-    Between 2005 and 2008, the     cash flow. Accordingly, Glass has
            sion was made for a second fur-  company made investments of       been accounted for as a non-
            nace, which was added that year.   ZAR 320 million, towards the    current asset held for sale and a
            The addition of a third furnace   rebuilding of the first furnace and   discontinued operation. A formal
            was a significant investment for   implementing narrow neck press   disposal process is progressing
            Nampak as it enabled the com-    and blow technology.              and is expected to reach its con-
            pany to increase its capacity by    In 2011 Nampak Glass acquired   clusion in the first half of the
            56 per cent, thus strengthening   a 50 per cent share from German   2019 financial year.”
            its position in the South African   glass manufacturer Wiegand-Glas
            container glass market.          for ZAR 938 million.              GLAMOSA GLASS
              With the addition of the third    In 2018, Nampak’s manage-        Established in 1958 in a small
            furnace, Nampak Glass intro-     ment took a decision to dispose   factory in Elandsfontein near
            duced a range of wine bottles that   of Nampak Glass as its finan-  Germiston, Gauteng, Gamosa
            replaces 750-ml wine bottles that   cial returns had failed to meet   Glass is a small tableware and
            weigh 450 g or more with the lat-  required levels due to inadequate   container glass producer. In 1970
            est standard of 410 g and some   skills, high capital expenditure   a new factory was built in the
            weighing as little as 380 g. This   and high fixed costs. The com-  town of Estcourt Kwazulu Natal
            provides customers with more     pany’s sales revenue in 2018 at   from where the company oper-
            environmentally friendly options   ZAR 1,457 million, registered an   ates at present. Initially Glamosa
            in which to export their wine.   increase of over 2 per cent over   (Short for Glass Mosaic) pro-
              The first and second fur-       the sales revenue of ZAR 1,420    duced vitreous glass mosaics in
            naces were built by Metal Box    million registered in 2017.       a wide range of colours. Today
            (MB) Glass Works in 1983 and        According to a notification     glass mosaic is no longer pro-
            1986 respectively. Nampak took   from the company, “Following      duced.
            over MB in 2003 and entered      a careful review of the glass       In 1980 Glamosa Glass start-
            a joint venture agreement with   business, challenges in leverag-  ed manufacturing a new range
            Germany-based Wiegand Glas       ing economies of skill and scale,   of lamp shade glass products,
            in 2005. The agreement was       and significant capital require-   including many blown, pressed
            entered with the objective of    ments, the board decided, on 16   and spun glass ware products. In
            boosting the existing Nampak     February 2018, to dispose of the   2009 Glamosa Glass identified
            facility by upgrading and enhanc-  glass business in order to free up   the need in the glass contain-
            ing the production facilities and   cash for potential growth, debt   er market for niche customised
            expanding capacity.              reduction and to enhance free     short run glass containers. O

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