Page 85 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5-2019
P. 85

tainer, which can be an   Bulk production
                      outline sketch, a visual   Bulk production takes place
                      on a screen or a 3D    when the equipment has been
                      printed bottle.        delivered, thoroughly checked
                                             and when Allied has received
                      Specifications and      authorisation to go into manufac-
                      mould designs          ture. Allied then proceeds to bulk
                       Once happy with the   production, when each contain-
                   specific container design,   er is thoroughly checked before
                  a full technical specification   being palletised and shipped.
               drawing is created. During
            this process, Allied’s Production   INSPIRATION EVERYWHERE
            and Quality departments are         Inspiration can come from
            required to review and approve   anywhere, the incredible depth of
            the feasibility of the design before   vision this creates within Allied
            it progresses.                   means we offer a holistic design
              When the specification draw-    and manufacturing service.
            ings have been approved, mould      Working in an environment
            equipment drawings are then cre-  where conceptual thinking con-
            ated before they are sent to the   stantly evolves, everyone within
            mould makers. Currently, Allied   each of the company’s teams
            works with several mould makers   whether it be Design, Production
            in the UK, Europe and Asia.      or Quality, recognises that each
                                             container needs to be a fusion
            Sampling                         between performance and design
              After sample moulds have been   originality. This is where every
            received, the job is then planned   individual uses their own specific
            for sampling. This gives Allied   skills and expertise to carefully
            the opportunity to ensure that the   create and then evaluate each
            containers meet both Production   facet of any specific container.
            and Quality teams’ standards and
            that the customer is happy with   PRODUCTION AT
            the bottle produced.             TWO UK SITES
              Once thoroughly tested by         With the ability
            Allied’s Quality department, the   to produce 13 mil-
            customer is given the opportunity   lion glass contain-
            to try the samples down their    ers every week in a
            filling line when they can check   highly efficient envi-
            functionality.                   ronment which works
                                             24 hours a day, Allied

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