Page 19 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2017
P. 19



           SAINT-GOBAIN                                                              WARM EDGE WINDOW
                                                                                     COMPONENTS ENGINEERED
           SUCCESSFUL LAUNCH                                                         FOR SAVINGS

           OF BOND OFFERING                                                          SAVE energy with the lowest conductivity spacers –

                                                                                     0.14 W/mK
           Compagnie de Saint-Gobain has set the terms of an eight-year bond issue for
                                                                                     SAVE energy with lowest Psi values
           an amount of EUR 750 million with an annual coupon of 1%.
           Saint-Gobain took advantage of the favourable conditions on the credit mar-  SAVE energy with reduced overall window U-values
           ket to lengthen the average maturity of its debt and optimise its average cost   SAVE costs on the best futureproof window
           of funding. The orderbook totalled more than EUR 2.5 billion from over 180   components
           investors, which underlines bond investors’ confidence in the credit quality of
           Saint-Gobain. Saint-Gobain’s long-term senior debt is rated BBB by Standard
           & Poor’s and Baa2 by Moody’s. Citi, Commerzbank, MUFG, NatWest Markets,
                                                                                     Our spacers are the result of over 35 years of
           Santander GCB and UniCredit acted as lead managers for this bond issue.   dedication to insulated glass.
                                                                                     We understand the conditions within a glazing
                                                                                     unit and how each component performs within
                                                                                     the lifetime of the unit. This helps us to ensure
                                                                      AGC            that the components we manufacture and
                                                                                     supply are second-to-none.
                                   FLUORINATED COATING

                                                                                                             High performance
           AGC (Asahi Glass), a world-leading                                                                engineering plastic
                                                                                                         Perforation holes
                                                                                                         for effective passage
           manufacturer of glass, chemicals and                                                          of air
           high-tech materials, has released its                                      arctic climate         Available with or
                                                                                                             without unique
           new brand, SURECO™, a high-per-                                            CERTIFIED              gas barrier tape
                                                                                     Passive House Institute
           formance fluorinated coating agent.
                                                                                     Thermal Conductivity:
           This fluorinated coating product has                                       0.14 W/mK  Plastic window frame  Wood window frame
           excellent anti-abrasive properties                                        Double Glazing  0.032   0.031
           together with advantages of fluorine.                                      Triple Glazing  0.030   0.029
           Following the launch of this product in   of sebum and other oils. AGC’s new   Above Psi values based on BF Data Sheet Nr.27
                                                                                     ZZZ EXQGHVYHUEDQG ² DFKJODV GH  /RZHU 3VL YDOXHV DFKLHYDEOH ZLWK +RW 0HOW
           March, the company will explore needs   offering, SURECO, is an antifouling
           around the world and add more prod-  and mould-release coating agent that
           ucts to the SURECO lineup to provide   combines high abrasion resistance
           a wide range of functionality that will   with the outstanding performance of
           include moisture proofing, waterproof-  fluorine. Despite its thin coating, it
                                                                                                        Pre-Desiccated Flexible
           ing, and rust prevention.         provides superior abrasion resistance                      Foam
                                                                                      arctic climate            Adhesive
           Antifouling and mould-release coat-  with almost no loss in performance.                         Unique Gas  Side Tape
                                                                                      phA +                 Barrier Tape
           ing agents resist adhesion of water,   Fingerprints also wipe off with ease,   COMPONENT
                                                                                     Passive House Institute
           oil and other elements and they are   making it an ideal product for coating
                                                                                     Thermal Conductivity:
           widely used in materials such as   products such as touch panel glass,    0.135 W/mK  Plastic window frame  Wood window frame
           glass, metal, and resin. However,   lenses and mirrors. Including for     Double Glazing  0.030   0.029
           conventional coatings have low abra-  metals and resins, SURECO imbues    Triple Glazing  0.029   0.027
           sion resistance, which causes them   coated objects with abrasion resist-  $ERYH 3VL YDOXHV EDVHG RQ %) 'DWD 6KHHW 1U    ZZZ EXQGHVYHUEDQG ² DFKJODV GH
           to wear-off quickly from friction as   ance, antifouling properties, water
           they are used. This makes it neces-  and oil repellence, and even superior
           sary to apply overly thick coatings or   mould releasability. Taking advantage
           reapply frequently to keep the desired   of these attributes, AGC plans to
           effects. Further, some coating agents   pioneer a wide variety of new applica-  7R GLVFRYHU PRUH DERXW 7KHUPREDU RU 7KHUPR² H[
           have no oil repellence, a drawback   tions that go beyond glass and lenses   Warm Edge Spacers and our 1,500 Glazing
                                                                                               components visit
           that makes them prone to build-up   to introduce on a global scale.
                                                                                     or call 0845 331 3950  Intl. +44 (0) 121 331 3950
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