Page 23 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2017
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                                             glass industry for integrated process
           Belgian company CNUD-EFCO In-
           ternational N.V., the world’s number   solutions. As an important technology
           one in annealing lehr and tin bath   supplier in this industry, we recog-
           solutions, part of the BMT Group,   nised opportunities in this market
           has announced its participation in   situation. By joining forces with GFT,   tures and allows us to further invest
           German Glass Float Technology     we are strengthening both compa-  in the development and delivery of a
           company GFT GmbH.                 nies’ leading positions within the   total solution that improves overall
           CNUD-EFCO has signed a financial   glass industry. We will offer proven   production yield. Our ultimate goal
           participation agreement with the   integrated process solutions, equip-  is to combine our experience along
           owners of GFT. GFT is recognized   ment and after-market services from   with a wider portfolio of innovative
           for implementing improvements in   bath to lehr according to the latest ex-  technologies within the market. GFT
           float glass and cover glass produc-  pectations of the glass manufacturers   will continue to develop its activities
           tion processes. GFT has several   in order to control capital investments   in waste heat recovery and utilities,”
           innovations and patents to its name.   and realise operational cost reduc-  Robert Lamy, Chief Commercoal
           CNUD-EFCO is a leader in anneal-  tions.” Dennis Schattauer, co-owner   Officer of CNUD-EFCO states “Our
           ing lehr and tin bath roof and acces-  of GFT states.”Combining our undis-  partners around the world will benefit
           sories for float, hollow and cellular   puted companies’ expertise will give   from our strengthened position and
           glass.  Géraldine Seynaeve, Chief Ex-  GFT access to CNUD-EFCO and   our teams of glass solution experts
           ecutive Officer of CNUD-EFCO says   BMT manufacturing capabilities, pro-  will enhance support for all of our
           “There is high demand within the   ject management and financial struc-  customers.”

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