Page 32 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2017
P. 32




           LOOK BACK ON TWO


           In 2016 Hegla celebrated 40 years   key to success for both Hegla and its   synonymous with value, reliability
           as an international market-leading   customers. After developing spread-  and distinction. Kevin Squib of Mid
           machinery manufacturer in glass-  sheet-based factory layouts, a dedi-  Devon Glass, whose production was
           cutting technology. The entire team   cated team of experienced specialist   simplified by integrating automated
           has worked tirelessly to provide   engineers in the UK and Germany   processes, said, “Our investment in
           technical solutions that offer strategic   ensures that installation, commission-  Hegla has led to a broader product
           advantages in real-time benefits. The   ing and start up runs smoothly and   range and more efficient deliveries.”
           high standards of the range have been   meets the customer’s needs.   Investment in Hegla equipment has
           designed and developed with meticu-  While the technical advantages of the   enabled leading manufacturers Vil-
           lous attention to detail to provide the   entire Hegla range stem from many   lage Glass and Dual Seal to set new
           highest impact on production line   years experience in machine develop-  standards in domestic and commer-
           efficiency.                        ment, a key aspect of the company’s   cial markets. Ryan Green of Clayton
           The preferred-partnership coopera-  success is their understanding the   Glass commented, “The equipment
           tion between Hegla and Bystronic UK   needs and demands of the market as   we have installed was chosen because
           Service & Spares Division – who also   a whole while accommodating indi-  of the superiority and reliability of the
           recently celebrated 50 years in the   vidual customer’s needs.      Hegla/Bystronic brands.”
           business – has led to positive results   Both Hegla, and Bystronic, which has   Steve Goble, said, “As Helga UK,
           for both parties in the last two years.   a long-standing reputation for excel-  Hegla and Bystronic Glass all reach
           Both brands are recognised globally   lence in machinery and service, re-  major milestones in terms of experi-
           for quality. Hegla UK’s reputation   main in complete control of in-house   ence and precision engineering. Our
           for excellence has grown quickly: the   manufacturing every piece of equip-  customers’ repeated success demon-
           company celebrates 15 successful   ment to the highest specification.  strates the durability and consistent
           years in the industry this year.  FUTURE POTENTIAL                  quality of the products.” Steve Powell
           Ensuring that a manufacturing facility                              added, “The UK is a unique mar-
           runs at peak performance is a critical   Achieving growth is naturally the   ket and we work closely together to
           part of any Hegla evaluation. Produc-  target for all Hegla UK and Bystronic   provide improved customer satisfac-
           tion based on ReMaster, Galactic   UK customers. Both Steve Goble and   tion and we believe that innovation
           or Rapidstore drastically reduces   Steve Powell agree this is based on   and excellence, allied to German
           handling times and material loss,   investing in enduring self-financing   engineering will continue to motivate
           and guarantees improved output and   real assets.                   investors.”
           profit margins. Fully understanding   For customers such as Mid Devon
           customer manufacturing needs and   Glass, Village Glass, Clayton Glass   Two years successful association
           developing tailored solutions is the   and Dual Seal the Hegla brand is   points the way ahead.
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