Page 28 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2017
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                                                                 ISRA VISION

                                 IN GLASS PRODUCTION

           Isra Vision’s TOUCH & INSPECT     customer benefits with a cost-efficient   and activities in existing markets to be
           fundamentally simplifies surface   design. The mobile terminal – a tab-  improved. Wireless connection for a
           inspection in glass production lines   let, for example – operates the system   rapid flow of information Thanks to
           thanks to the wireless communication   throughout the plant and displays   their user-friendly connection capa-
           between its core components, ena-  the measurement results captured   bilities, the inspection systems can be
           bling a simplified flow of information   by the smart camera. Thanks to   connected to each other and exchange
           and quick adaptation to new tasks –   the terminal’s wireless connection,   information. As a result, multiple
           for maximum flexibility and optimum   users can move around freely and   sets of inspection data from various
           decision making processes.        flexibly. Compatible with multiple   process steps can be aggregated. Glass
           The TOUCH & INSPECT concept       systems, the terminal offers easy   manufacturers benefit from a consist-
           makes use of the latest IT tech-  access to various inspection systems   ent and reliable stream of process
           nologies and combines them with   and can be used to display user and   data. Sophisticated software supports
           tried-and-tested inspection technolo-  application-specific process, quality   process monitoring and data analysis
           gies. The result is a highly-flexible,   and maintenance data. The smart   processes with a varying degree of de-
           modular and smart system architec-  monochrome or colour camera with   tail – from shop floor management to
           ture that provides an ideal basis for   high computing performance directly   strategic planning. In addition to au-
           decision-making processes during   processes the data captured. Thanks   tomated and objective quality control,
           production. After a quick and easy   to the innovative camera technology   the adaptive inspection technology
           installation process, production can   and high computing power, large   thus enables considerable increases in
           begin immediately.                inspection surfaces can be captured   process efficiency. The data obtained
           The system’s three core compo-    in high resolution – using just a single   can be used to optimize processes in a
           nents – lighting, camera and mobile   camera. The smart LED lighting can   targeted manner and serves as a basis
           terminal – are connected wirelessly   be controlled remotely.       for making well-informed decisions
           via WiFi. Together, they form an in-  Boasting a state-of-the-art and cost-  on production. TOUCH & INSPECT
           novative and highly adaptable system   efficient design with outstanding value   is the key to advanced production
           architecture for a great variety of   for money, TOUCH & INSPECT    processes and Industry 4.0 in glass
           inspection tasks and unlock great   enables new markets to be tapped   production.

                                                                 BAVELLONI     loni brand and to put more and more
                                                                               focus on the local business.
                     NEGOTIATIONS TO PURCHASE                                  At the same time, Glaston and Bavello-
                                                                               ni SpA are defining the renewal of their
                          GLASTON PRE-PROCESSING                               collaboration where Glaston acts as
                                                                               official Bavelloni distributor in Mexico,
                     BUSINESS: USA AND CANADA                                  Brazil and Singapore area.
                                                                               “The American market has always
                                             the company is currently represented   been very important to the Bavelloni
                                             by Glaston America.               brand,” states  Franco Pirola, Sales
                                             In line with its strategic plans, Bavel-  Director and Partner in Bavelloni
           Bavelloni SpA is starting negotia-  loni SpA is committed to strengthen   SpA. “This transaction will enable us
           tions with Glaston Corporation on   its position through a direct presence   to further expand our presence and
           the purchase of the company’s Glass   in North America, which is one of its   our business in the United States and
           Pre-Processing business in USA and   main markets.                  in Canada. The collaboration with
           Canada. This operation is aimed at   By investing in the US, Bavelloni SpA   Glaston has been crucial in the last
           consolidating Bavelloni’s presence in   will be able to be closer to its numerous   18 months, and it will continue to be
           the United States and Canada, where   loyal customers, to promote the Bavel-  so even in the future.”

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