Page 28 - Glass-Technology International no. 6/2017
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           SolarWindow Technologies, Inc.    SOLARWINDOW
           has announced that the company has
           completed a private placement financ-  FINANCING FROM FOUR
           ing for approximately 2.6 million USD
           from four investors, three of whom   MAJOR INVESTORS
           have been long-term shareholders
           and supporters of SolarWindow. The   such as tall towers and skyscrapers,   under the United States Securities Act
           company intends to use the proceeds   which consume almost 40% of all   of 1933, as amended, and may not be
           from the financing for general work-  the electricity generated in the US,   offered or sold in the US absent reg-
           ing capital purposes, including the   the company’s electricity-generating   istration or an applicable exemption
           further advancement of its previously   windows could reduce electricity costs   from registration requirements.
           announced manufacturing, marketing   by 30-50% and shows a one-year   As part of the financing arrange-
           and product fabrication initiatives for   financial payback for building own-  ment, the company has agreed to file
           its electricity-generating glass prod-  ers, which is the industry’s fastest   a resale registration statement on
           ucts for commercial buildings.    published financial return according   Form S-1 with the United States Se-
           “With this round of financing in hand   to independently-validated company   curities and Exchange Commission
           and a Process Integration and Produc-  power and financial modelling.  within 30 days of the closing of the
           tion Agreement with Triview Glass   The financing consisted of the issu-  financing for purposes of registering
           Industries, an award-winning custom   ance by the company of 821,600 units   the resale of the shares of common
           glass fabricator, we’re moving forward   at a purchase price of USD 3.11 per   stock issued or issuable in connec-
           with turning our first-ever inventions   unit, with each unit consisting of 1   tion with the financing.
           into first-ever electricity-generating   share of common stock and 1 share   All securities issued in the financing
           windows,” said John Conklin, Presi-  purchase warrant, having an initial   are subject to a statutory hold period
           dent and CEO of SolarWindow Tech-  exercise price of USD 3.42 and a   of four months plus a day from the
           nologies.                         five-year term. The securities sold in   date of the consummation of the
           Targeting commercial buildings,   the financing have not been registered   financing.

                                                        PGTI    ease employment constraints due to a tight labour market
                                                                in the Venice, Fla., area.
                  SALE OF DOOR GLASS                            “This is a significant, win-win opportunity for PGTI and
                                                                Cardinal,” said Jeff Jackson, president of PGT Innovations.
                      PROCESSING ASSETS                         “This enhanced partnership is a strong strategic fit, lever-
                                                                aging the two companies’ respective strengths. We invested
                                  TO CARDINAL                   in glass processing capacity in 2014, a time when no other
                                                                company in our industry was investing in those assets, and
           PGT Innovations Inc. (PGTI) has sold its assets for process-  that investment has paid off with the sale of these assets,
           ing door glass to Cardinal Glass Industries for USD 28   generating a 37% annualized return for our shareholders
           million. At the same time, the companies announced that they   on the investment.”
           have entered into a seven-year supply agreement in which   Cardinal has been a key supplier for PGTI for many
           Cardinal will supply those components to PGTI.       years. It has more than 6,000 employees with 37 locations
           PGTI will retain other assets such as its window glass process-  around the United States, including one in Ocala, Fla.,
           ing equipment, its TPS system and                    where it recently announced a major expansion.
           all production facilities, including                 “We are excited about expanding our partnership with
           the glass plant where the equipment                  PGT Innovations, and the opportunities we will have sup-
           sold to Cardinal has been located.                   plying PGT with their door glass requirements,” said Mike
           This will allow PGTI to expand its                   Wothe, president of Cardinal LG Company. “This relation-
           window and door assembly opera-                      ship has been developing over the past 12 years and repre-
           tions to meet increasing demand.                     sents a powerful opportunity for Cardinal to significantly
           In addition, the company plans to                    expand our presence in Florida, one of the fastest-growing
           move about 160 employees into its                    markets in the nation. We look forward to our collective
           window and door assembly opera-                      growth opportunities and being part of PGTI’s continued
           tions and other areas, which should                  success.”

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