Page 30 - Glass-Technology International no. 6/2017
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SCHOTT GEMTRON service standards have been a decisive
factor for success. The technology
25 YEARS OF PRODUCTION group’s production site for its flat glass
business unit is not only celebrating the
OF INNOVATIVE FLAT GLASS milestone anniversary with its employ-
ees, but also looking ahead to how it
IN SAN LUIS POTOSI can continue on a sustainable path
A quarter of a century ago, German area of 4,500 square meters. “We are considered as one of the most
technology group SCHOTT followed The plant chiefly produces refrigerator reliable suppliers in our industry”, says
a customer to San Luis Potosí, and a shelves, cook tops, control panels and Dr.Christian Mias, VP SCHOTT Flat
Latin American success story began. oven doors, each in various versions. In Glass/Operations Americas. “To fend
This year, the plant, which manufac- the past fiscal year, more than 5 million off the competition – primarily from
tures flat glass for the household ap- processed glass parts were shipped to Asia – and to remain competitive,
pliance industry, is celebrating its 25th customers. Important customers since progress in innovation is critical. The
anniversary, and setting itself up with the beginning are Mexican companies next step is to make further progress
innovative technologies for the future. in the home appliance segment. in terms of innovation and productiv-
This plant for the Flat Glass Busi- The SCHOTT Gemtron plant is certi- ity. Whether metallic refrigerator shelf
ness Unit was initially founded by the fied with international quality standard designs, integrating innovative LED
US company Gemtron in 1992, but ISO9000 and has received numerous technology into household appliances
following a joint venture in 1998, it safety awards from the Mexican Secre- or the large glass tablets that the team
became part of SCHOTT. Today more tariat of Labor and Social Welfare, and recently developed using laser technol-
than 130 employees work on five pro- recognitions from customers. ogy, I’m confident that innovations like
duction lines in San Luis Potosí over an Huge improvements in quality and these take us to the next level.”
for glass up to 16.5m. All produc-
LARGEST GLASS IN 2018 tion steps are highly automated.
sedak’s competence for oversize
From mid-2018, German glass dimensions and investing steadily in glass can be easily recognized
manufacturer sedak (Gersthofen, its own research and development. when looking at the latest, realized
Germany) will fabricate glass up to Besides the pioneer work, like ex- projects: Replacement of the 13m
3.51m x 20m, CEO Bernhard Veh tensive tests for technical approvals, high glass units of the façade of
announced. With the new record sedak focuses on the knowledge and the UNO building “United Nations
dimensions, sedak further expands the experience of its own employees. Conference on Trade and Develop-
its leading position as a specialist “They are our most valuable re- ment”, production and delivery of
for exceptionally large glass. The source,” says Veh. the 15.5m long glass laminates for
technology leap was a consistent The production of 20-meter long the façade of the shopping mall
step, explained Veh. “From year to glass will start in mid-2018. The Iconsiam in Bangkok, manufacture
year, the demand for oversize glass special machines have been ordered. of 13-meter glass fins for the Lakhta
formats rises. Ten years of experi- Each of them is tailored to sedak’s Center in St. Peterburg, the repre-
ence and the continuing good order special requirements and devel- sentative office building “111 South
situation encouraged us to take the oped in close cooperation with the Main Street” in Salt Lake City with
next step.” machine manufacturers. Therefore, glass fins up to 11m and
By expanding its production capa- the glass units can be produced in unique glass laminates with wood
bilities, sedak becomes the world’s the quality typical for sedak; and the veneers in between the layers, and
only manufacturer for glass of that manufacturer stays the top perform- the fabrication of the 15m
size. Since 2007, the Bavarian er for record dimensions. long glass units for the façade
company has been establishing itself In the glass industry, sedak has been of Apple’s new headquarters in
as a specialist for exceptionally large establishing itself as a full supplier Cupertino.
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