Page 26 - Glass-Technology International no. 1/2018
P. 26
Everlam has announced the launch of beautiful over-sized glass panels with that Everlam™ Super Tough will raise
Everlam™ Super Tough, its new stiff minimum visible frames. By making their interest as it combines what
PVB solution and a key addition to the glass stronger, thinner glass can be they value most in our company –
its portfolio of quality products and used to minimize the weight and cost high-quality product and outstand-
services. of the entire glass structure. ing customized technical service. In
Everlam™ Super Tough provides extra Everlam™ Super Tough combines a addition, it can be processed on a
safety in applications where safety can’t high-performance product with the standard lamination line, which is
be traded, such as glass balconies, superior level of technical expertise, a critical factor for our customers.
balustrades, curtain walls, floors and which is Everlam’s DNA. Everlam™ Super Tough is a great
stairs. In case a glass panel breaks, Harald Hammer, Everlam CEO, addition to our portfolio, which now
Everlam™ Super Tough maintains it commented: “Everlam’s innovative includes Everlam™ Clear, Everlam™
solidly in place for a longer time than spirit is at work again to bring value- White and Everlam™ Colored PVB
with standard PVB, thus enabling added solutions to our customers interlayer, as well as Everlam™ Quiet,
modern design that relies on the use of and to the market. We are confident our acoustic solution.”
Marco Schiavon
Troy Lentner
and long-term relationships.” t $BOBEB 4FSWJDF .BOBHFS 4BMFT
Effective 1 January 2018 Forel North Support - Owen Allen
America organization chart is as fol- Riccardo Vianello is the Chair of the
2017 was a successful and busy year lows: Board of Directors. From the begin-
for Forel in North America. The t $IJFG &YFDVUJWF 0GmDFS ning, Riccardo has been instrumental
support and appreciation received Stefano Mauriello in the development and success of
from our customers has validated t $IJFG 'JOBODJBM 0GmDFS Forel North America and he will con-
Forel as one of the main players in Christine Wilson tinue to be heavily involved.
the production of machinery for flat
glass processing. Forel’s growth in
encouraged the company to enhance TECGLASS
the North American branch so that VITRO DESIGN APP GETS NEW
we can continue to offer exceptional
sales and service support. FUNCTIONALITIES
As explained by Fortunato Vianello,
founder and CEO of Forel, “Sales An exclusive tool developed by Tecglass to meet the creative and marketing
in 2017 in North America have been needs of its own customers, the Vitro Design App is now available in an entirely
incredibly successful. We believe it revamped format for free download on iPhones, iPads and Android devices.
is necessary to look forward to the Optimized with the most current mobile navigation logics and a dual filter that
future and more ambitious opportu- guides the user toward the desired style and graphic format, the App makes it
nities offered in this market. In order possible to find the best design for every print project.
to maintain our growth, Forel North This innovative marketing tool – an integral part of an entire range of tools devel-
America has been reorganized to oped by Tecglass to support its customers’ business success – is an actual cata-
accommodate our customer’s needs logue that can display an almost endless number of examples of patterns, images
more closely. We believe that this is and decorative effects, on all types of mobile devices. Thanks to the exclusive Vitro
an essential step to establish valuable Design App, it is easier to illustrate the results that can be achieved with Tecglass
machines by showing customers what the designs will look like on glass. Moreover,
there is no need for an internet connection for the offline version, which provides a
catalogue of solutions and sales tool, always updated in real time.