Page 27 - Glass-Technology International no. 1/2018
P. 27



                                                      LISEC    Besides the especially high acceleration, this motive power
                                                               engineering allows an excellent positioning accuracy of
                                       MAXIMUM                 the cutting head with a maximum offset of 0.1mm. Due to
                                                               the intelligent control, the maximum speed is reached as
                     CUTTING SPEED AND                         quickly as possible. Traugott continues: “Through careful
                                                               constructive improvements, we were able to significantly
          OUTSTANDING DYNAMICS                                 reduce the noise emissions and optimise the handling of
                                                               the entire machine even more, a benefit for every operator
           The brand new high-performance machine in the new   and machine operating company.”
           LiSEC design with the name SprintCut cuts flat glass   The operation of the cutting table is made easier by an
           automatically and quickly thanks to the state-of-the-art   even higher degree of automation and new electronic
           motive power engineering.                           controls. The cutting pressure control, grinding pressure
           With linear motive power engineering and the integrated   control, the monitoring of the consumption of cutting oil
           measuring system, the new SprintCut ensures maximum   and cutting wheel wear are automated and, as a preventive
           cutting speed and outstanding dynamics. The maximum   measure, the control system indicates pending replace-
           acceleration is approximately 16 m/s² and the maximum   ments or fillings, thus reducing unplanned downtimes.
           speed 310 m/min.                                    “The new machine sets a high standard in its class in
           “Our linear drive has few moving parts, which means   relation to price/performance. Especially customers with
           the mechanical wear is lower, resulting in longer mainte-  highly automated production lines in multiple-shift opera-
           nance intervals and low downtime costs,” says Thomas   tion can benefit from up to 20% shorter cycle times,”
           5SBVHPUU  )FBE PG #VTJOFTT 6OJU (MBTT $VUUJOH BU -J4&$    explains Thomas Traugott.



           The Schott melting team has started   pean Southern Observatory’s (ESO)   ELT. In addition to the segmented
           casting the first mirror segments that   project plan. The main mirror of the   39-meter giant mirror, these will be a
           will make up the 39-meter pri-    ELT will be humanity’s largest eye on   convex mirror 4.2 meters in diameter
           mary mirror (M-1) of the European   the sky, enabling us to reach unprec-  (M2), the M3 concave mirror (3.8
           Large Telescope (ELT). To make    edented depths of space,” said Marc   meters in diameter) and a 2.4-meter
           the segments, liquid glass heated to   Cayrel from ESO’s ELT project team.   diameter adaptive mirror (M4).
           over 1400°C will be poured directly   Schott has developed special cast-  “Thanks to significant expansion of
           into moulds, and transferred into a   ing moulds for the production of the   production capacity at the Mainz
           cooling furnace and subjected to a   M1 segments. “The glass consump-  site, Schott is very well prepared for
           ceramicization process lasting several   tion factor will be as low as possible,   the production of Zerodur  glass-
           weeks. The result is Zerodur  glass-  so we can work very efficiently,”   ceramic, both for the ELT project and
           ceramic, a material with a thermal   explains Dr. Thomas Westerhoff,   for the currently very gratifying high
           expansion of near zero that makes it   Director of Strategic Marketing for   demand from the high-tech industry,”
           especially suited to astronomy appli-  Zerodur  at Schott.          said Dr. Thomas Westerhoff, director
           cations. The Schott production facil-  After ceramization, each of the round   of strategic marketing, Zerodur® at
           ity in Mainz is expected to complete   Zerodur  blocks will be cut into five   Schott Advanced Optics.
           delivery of the segments by 2024.  slices of approximately 60-70mm   Two glass melting tanks are in parallel
           Schott, the international technology   in thickness. Further processing at   operation due to the high demand.
           group, will produce up to 949 identical   Schott will take place on state-of-the-  Furthermore, new jobs were created
           1.52-meter hexagonal segments for the   art computer-controlled 5-axis CNC   for around 50 employees, and addi-
           ELT. The giant mirror will be com-  machines. Safran Reosc, a company   tional capacity-expanding investments
           posed of a total of 798 segments, made   based in France, will polish the M1   are planned for the coming year.
           of Zerodur  glass-ceramic, with the   segments.
           balance used as replacement segments.  Zerodur  is a proven material that
           “Casting the mirror substrates for   has been selected for four of the five
           the M1 is a milestone in the Euro-  high-precision mirror elements of the

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