Page 19 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2018
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MYANMAR Planning and Finance has emphasised that FDI are vital
for Myanmar’s infrastructure sector, special economic
SURGE IN MODERN CON- zones and industrial zones, ultimately contributing to the
country’s economic development.
STRUCTION PROJECTS IN SET As more money is being pumped in, new projects will
commence and it is imperative that industry players are
TO RAISE GLASS DEMAND able to keep up with the latest materials, technology and
business trends. As the building and construction industry
The use of glass is on the rise as Myanmar is undergoing of Myanmar which includes industrial, residential and
extensive development in building and infrastructure, par- commercial projects are growing exponentially, this trans-
ticularly in Yangon. Among the major projects that utilised lates to numerous opportunities for the glass industry.
glass include Sule’s Centrepoint Towers Hotel, Sakura MyanGlass 2018 - Myanmar’s No.1 International Glass
Tower, and Myanmar’s International Convention Cen- Technology Expo is the most comprehensive platform to
tre. More and more upcoming construction projects in showcase business to the Myanmar market. For the key
Myanmar are following modern trends which use greater decision makers of the industry – architects, engineers,
quantities of glass, hence leading to a surge in demand. contractors, quantity surveyors, importers, distributors,
Myanmar is expected to see more major projects to break dealers and regulatory bodies, this platform will play the
ground as foreign direct investments has surged, with the vital role in boosting the industry through new and prom-
current Fiscal Year (2017-2018) estimated at more than ising business partnerships and enterprises.
USD 3.5 billion in investments coming in from abroad. MyanGlass 2018, is set to be held at the MEP Mindama,
The value of the country’s construction sector has ex- Yangon, in conjunction with MyanBuild 2018 – Myan-
panded from USD 8.2 billion in 2015 to a projected USD mar’s No.1 International Building & Construction Indus-
13.5 billion in 2020. try Exhibition & Conference, and it is expected to attract
U Maung Maung Win, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of over 7,000 trade visitors nationwide.
‘Vitrum specialized’ is the name given VITRUM 2019
to the 12 descriptive themed path-
ways that will provide greater visibility 12 THEMED PATHWAYS GUIDE TRADE
to Exhibitors as well as improved ac-
cess to the show for all trade profes- VISITORS AMONG THE STANDS
“Throughout the 2017 edition,” * Vitrum Fenestration show, and will also be printed
explains president Dino Zandonella * Vitrum Solar in the Vitrum 2019 catalogue
Necca, “we paid attention to the * Vitrum Automotive alongside the company name,
needs expressed by the participants * Vitrum Printing & Coating and on the show maps (given
- exhibitors, trade professionals, * Vitrum Environment to visitors) that provide stand
visitors, associations and institu- * Vitrum Testing locations.
tions - and we carefully analyzed the * Vitrum Research The maps will be the core
feedback that came in after the event. * Vitrum Software & Control tool in this innovative means of com-
Driven by the findings in this review, * Vitrum Associations munication because they will show
we agreed it was time to focus on * Vitrum International Press the designated themed pathways to
some specific themes: themes that we These are the 12 Vitrum Specialized help visitors plan their itineraries in-
can transform into exciting oppor- logos. In other words, representations side the show, based on their specific
tunities for greater visibility for all of the macro-categories in which the interests.
exhibitors.” exhibitors operate, and which they Additional specially-designed cam-
Vitrum 2019 will have an innovative can use to clearly identify their own paigns will promote widespread cir-
look, one that turns the exhibitors’ specialization or specializations. Each culation of the initiative through press
need for visibility into descriptive exhibitor can choose to use one or releases and dedicated newsletters in
themed pathways, each with its own more logos. which the content of the participat-
immediately recognizable logo: The Vitrum Specialized logos will be ing companies will be highlighted,
* Vitrum Flat Glass affixed in clear view at the exhibitors’ in order to trigger another effective
* Vitrum Hollow Glass stands during the four days of the referral mechanism.
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