Page 24 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2018
P. 24
As Guardian Glass prepares to begin GUARDIAN GLASS
production of jumbo glass on its
first North American jumbo coater DEBUT OF JUMBO GLASS
in August, the company introduced
the video to illustrate the benefits of VIDEO AT BEC
Guardian SunGuard glass on lites as
large as 200 square feet. The video,
which was shown during the Glass
Association of North America Building
Envelope Contractors Conference in
Las Vegas, also features many pro-
jects built with jumbo glass in North
America and globally. Guardian has project teams in North America have and energy efficiency, and are avail-
been producing jumbo coated glass had to import oversize glass to meet able through an international network
internationally for more than 20 years. the growing demand for large, light- of independent Guardian Select
“Oversized glass can be used in filled spaces. Guardian Glass’ new fabricators.
almost every application an architect jumbo coater in Carleton, Michigan Guardian Glass, a major business
or designer wants to use,” Leigh will create value for US customers unit of Guardian Industries, is one
Anne Mays, Guardian Glass regional with a ready supply of jumbo glass of the world’s largest manufactur-
architectural manager east, explains close to home. ers of float, coated and fabricated
in the video. “We really have given the The Guardian SunGuard coated glass glass products. At its 25 float plants
architects unlimited possibilities.” product line for commercial applica- around the globe, Guardian Glass
The video also includes Guard- tions offers excellent solar control produces high performance glass for
ian Glass regional technical advisor and a wide variety of colours and use in exterior (both commercial and
Yuwadee Senamontree reviewing performance levels. SunGuard glass residential) and interior architectural
technical considerations for oversize products provide innovative, leading applications, as well as transportation
glass, and explains how in the past solutions for appearance, economics and technical products.
completed important enlargements today there is a worldwide known
of both office and production areas, brand,” says Fortunato Vianello,
as well as human resources: between founder and CEO of FOREL “After
2016 and the end of 2017, FOREL the investment carried out, our patents
2017 for FOREL was a year with hired a number of new employees (in and our know-how, we now want to
the ‘+’ sign in sales, thanks to the production, sales, administration and grow even more,”
confirmed appreciation of regular marketing departments). Currently, Established in 1976, FOREL has
customers, but also to the increas- the company employs more than 200 two facilities: in Vallio di Roncade
ing trust of the new ones. 2017 will people directly, and over 300 people in and Meolo (Italy), a sales and service
be remembered at FOREL especially partner companies and agencies. Other branch in Minneapolis (Minnesota,
for the development of special Jumbo recruitments are expected before the US) and 21 agencies worldwide:
lines, capable of processing very large end of 2018. FOREL machines are now operative in
and heavy glass sheets specifically re- Therefore, important investments in over 60 countries. The product range
quired for high performance façades: the plant, in the machinery and in includes machinery for vertical cutting
part of the important projects suc- the people, after the achievement of a of laminated glass, automatic sorting
cessfully carried out by the company very important goal: “We reached 40 systems, vertical edging, drilling and
last year. years of activity. Once, there was only milling, PVB lamination and insulating
Growth was also ‘physical’ as FOREL an idea and a good young mechanic, glass production.
22 Glass-Technology International 2/2018