Page 34 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2018
P. 34



                                                                       LISEC   jeopardized delivery times consid-
                                                                               erably. Moreover, there were too
                     NEW LAMINATING PLANT FOR                                  many non-recyclable rejects, which
                                                                               caused a significant loss of money.
                                           OROSHAZAGLAS                        A third reason was the fact that the
                                                                               production process was very sensi-
                                             public buildings authorized or rather   tive – even minor deviations caused
                                             in realization. Approximately half a   problems.”
                                             million square meters, a real boost for   The new LiSEC lamination plant has
           OROShazaGLAS Kft. is a grow-      our business.”                    been in operation since December
           ing flat glass processor in Hungary,   OROShazaGLAS has been an      2016. The system is able to process
           located 20 km from the Rumanian   important LiSEC customer at the   sheets with a size of up to 5,100
           border, with approximately 170    Hungarian market for a long time –   x 2,600mm and a thickness up to
           employees. The company, which     the company sees LiSEC as strategic   100mm. Toth: “We feel absolutely
           processes high-class flat glass, has   partner for insulating glass produc-  confident about the LiSEC solution.
           a technical office and an assembly   tion and laminating technology. In   The plant allows us to produce high-
           team in Budapest. Founded in 1995,   operation are two cutting tables (one   class products without rejects. At the
           the company generates a yearly    even for laminated glass) and three   moment we are manufacturing in
           turnover of EUR 12 million, export-  insulating glass lines from LiSEC. A   one shift operation and obtain more
           ing 70% of its products.          fourth new insulating glass line for   output than with the previous plant.
           OROShazaGLAS deals with three     the production of jumbo insulating   I’m highly pleased, that we have
           customer segments: The first one   glass elements is being planned.   implemented this project together
           is automotive (windows and doors   OROShazaGLAS’ latest investment   with LiSEC and the support of the
           for trains, trams, tractors and cabin   is a LiSEC laminating plant. They   European Union and the Hungarian
           manufacturers), the second customer   already had a laminating plant, but   Government. This plant ensures not
           segments are industrial applications   they weren’t satisfied with it. Toth   only our position – it even improves
           (glass solutions for household appli-  puts the reasons for this decision in   it.” After a ten-day instruction, the
           ances, elevators, fridges, etc.) and the   a nutshell: “The existing laminat-  OROShazaGLAS team was trained
           third one is façade engineering (pro-  ing plant had its limitations. First of   and able to operate the laminating
           duction and installation). “The next   all, there was a capacity problem: It   plant by themselves.
           two years seem to be highly promis-  was too small and we had to operate   You have to work hard to acquire
           ing,” says General Director Istvan   it in four shifts to keep up with the   the position as strategical partner
           Toth. “There are many construction   orders. Nevertheless it remained the   or supplier of OROShazaGLAS.
           projects in the segments office and   bottleneck of our production and   Toth: “We permanently compare
                                                                               the solutions and the quality of our
                                                                               suppliers with other companies’
                                                               FRATELLI PEZZA  performances, to ensure that we
                                                                               buy from the right partner. It is true
       OPPORTUNITY FOR GLASSWORKS WITH A                                       that the markets change quickly
                                                                               and you always have to be up to
          MISTRAL 120, 1200 OR 200 SANDBLASTER                                 date - however we rely on long-term
                                                                               partnerships.” Beside quality of the
           Fratelli Pezza is rewarding its customers with a special price to purchase a new   services and products, something
           machine of the MISTRAL EVolution series, in replacement of old Mistral mod-  else is equally important to Toth. “It
           els 120, 1200 and 200 manufactured between 1996 and 2002.           is very important for us to feel that
           “We felt it was our duty to offer this promotion to our customers, because there   we are in good hands, that we know
           are a few technical items that have gone out of production and cannot be found   and feel, that the supplier takes care
           on the market any longer: as a consequence they’ll be available until stocks   of us. That’s the case with LiSEC.
           last,” explains Paolo De Borzatti, Sales Manager of Fratelli Pezza. “All other   LiSEC approaches us and is eager
           spare parts, including the consumables, will remain available in our stock as well   to develop solutions. That creates
           as at our commercial partners’.” The promotion is valid for orders received by   empathy. A business relation has
           31 December 2018. Customers are therefore invited to get in touch with the   many levels, you know, and prices
           company to learn more about the details of this offer.              are there to be negotiated.”

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