Page 65 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2018
P. 65

Photo credit:  © Zaha Hadid Architects  P tower “the building   plete, it will accommodate a   climates in particular, a

                                         roject developer Om-
                                                               five-star hotel, restaurants,
                                                                                        warm edge must achieve
                                         niyat calls ‘The Opus’
                                                               office space and luxury
                                                                                        outstanding levels of per-
                                    that never sleeps”. The
                                                                                        in order to hermetically
                                                               ‘THE VOID’:
                                                                                        seal the space between the
                                    of the vibrant building en-  apartments.            formance over decades
                                                               AN ENGINEERING
                                    velope pushes the limits   MASTERPIECE              panes. Due to the ther-
                                    of what is technologically                          mal interaction between
                                    feasible with advanced en-  After Zaha Hadid unveiled   hot sunlight and shadows,
                                    gineering evident in the   the spectacular design in   strong mechanical forces
                                    end result. Edgetech Super   2007, the ‘Dream Tower’   permanently act on the
                                    Spacer  TriSeal  are also   immediately landed on the   edge compound due to the
                                    installed in the massive 3D   top ten wish list of lead-  movement of the glass.
                                    puzzle in downtown Dubai.  ing industrial companies.   By day, the facade reflects
                                                               Daniel Zhang, Edgetech/  the sky, sun, water and the
                                    ZAHA HADID’S               Quanex Sales Manager for   futuristic architecture. At
                                    VISION: A FLOATING         China, explains the fasci-  night, on the other hand,
                                    CUBE THAT HAS BEEN         nation it held for architects   ‘The Void’ that is illumi-
                                    HOLLOWED OUT               and facade builders: ‘The   nated  with  spectacular
                                    FROM THE INSIDE
                                                               Opus’ was a Black-Box    LED installations to con-
                                    “We do not build nice, small   project. At the start no-one   nect the building with the
                                    buildings,” Hadid told the   was able to say how the or-  pulsating metropolis. To
                                    British Guardian in 2013,   ganic glass facade, based   this end, LEDs that can
                                    referring to mundane, rec-  on Hadid’s ideas, cover-  be individually controlled
                                    tangular buildings. For ‘The   ing an area of some 6,000   were installed in each glass
                                    Opus’ at the world’s most   square meters, could be   panel. The transparent fa-
                                    popular architectural play-  made to completely appear   cades of the two rectan-
                                    ground in the Burj district of   as a flowing surface. The   gular reinforced concrete
                                    Dubai, Zaha Hadid had the   building as it now stands is   towers are made of double-
                                    vision of a cube hollowed   an all-encompassing, engi-  glazed insulating glass with
                                    out from the inside for the   neering masterpiece. Each   a UV coating and printed
                                    21-storey  building  that  of the 4,544 glass units for   coloured layers of differ-
                                    seems to be floating above   the dark blue glazed void   ent sized dots. On the one
                                    the ground floor. And in-   is a custom-made individ-  hand, they imbue the facade
                                    deed, like an ice cube that is   ual item, and what’s more   with a unique vitality, on
                                    melting away under the hot   the vast majority of them   the other hand, they reflect
                                    desert sun, ‘The Opus’ also   consist of curved double-  the light and thus reduce
                                    leaves people in the build-  glazed  insulating  glass  the levels of solar input and
                                    ing’s interior with a free   units with irregular shapes.   glare. Teams from different
                                    view of the breath-taking ar-  This meant automated ap-  specialist disciplines such
                                    chitecture of the surround-  plication was out of the   as facade builder Alu Nasa,
                                    ing area: of the Dubai Water   question. Nor could a rigid   consultants from Koltay Fa-
                                    Canal, the new opera house   spacer be used, which does   cades in Dubai, Pilkington
                                    or the Burj Khalifa and the   not bend without kinks   Glass, the insulating glass
                                    Dubai Mall. The construc-  and which certainly cannot   manufacturer  Shennanyi
                                    tion work commenced in     be freely moulded. Only   and also the spacer supplier
                                    2012 and the final work on   a flexible spacer was able   Edgetech have contributed
                                    the building envelope was   to meet the requirements   their collective expertise to
                                    completed in October 2017.   in terms of impermeabil-  the realisation of the ‘The
                                    When the interiors com-    ity and appearance. In hot   Void’. The lower end of the

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