Page 67 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2018
P. 67

Photo credit:  © Zaha Hadid Architects

           energy, the glass should   the inside), a 16-millimetre   They significantly reduce   spacers. Edgetech Europe
           be as tempered as pos-   cavity between the panes,   energy loss to the outside,   GmbH is a sales location
           sible – a process that had   6-millimetre clear glass, a   largely prevent condensa-  for the markets in conti-
           not yet been industrially   1.52-millimetre PVB colour   tion and also contribute to   nental Europe and one of
           tested for curved insulating   laminate and once again 6-   the lifespan of a window.  the three worldwide Edget-
           glass units up to this point   millimetres of clear glass   Edgetech Europe GmbH,   ech production plants, with
           in time. Chemically tem-  were constructed by Pilk-  located in Heinsberg Ger-  a total of 450 employees
           pered, hot-bent glass was   ington China. In order to   many, is a fully-owned sub-  and 16 extruders.
           too expensive. Therefore   save costs, the number of   sidiary of Quanex Building
           the insulating glass manu-  hot-bent elements was re-  Products Corporation, a
           facturer Shennanyi devel-  duced to a minimum and   leading global provider of
           oped a technology specifi-  as far as possible cold-tem-  energy-efficient  compo-
           cally for the combined hot   pered, tempered insulating   nents such as window and   Edgetech Europe GmbH
           bending and tempering    glass was used, and thus   door profile systems, flex-
           of the glass whereby the   one which could be manu-  ible insulating-glass spac-
           insulating glass units are   factured economically.  ers, edge seals for photo-
           heated to 700°C, tempered   ABOUT EDGETECH          voltaic modules, wooden
           following the moulding   EUROPE GMBH                floors and ceiling profiles,   Gladbacher Strasse 23
           process and cooled with                             as well as window and       52525 Heinsberg - Germany
                                                                                            Tel.: +49 (0)2452.96491.0
           the aid of compressed air   Edgetech’s Super Spacer    door grilles, with its head   Fax: +49 (0)2452.96491.11
           nozzles to increase their   flexible foam-based spacer   offices in Houston, Texas.   E-mail:
           breaking strength. The   systems act as energy-effi-  Based on turnover Edget-
           units consisting of 8-mil-  cient warm edge spacers in   ech/Quanex is the world’s
           limetre low-E (coated on   insulating glass windows.   largest manufacturer of

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