Page 80 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2018
P. 80


               HE AGC PLANT          The float line produces two   impact on its performance   its decorative glass the pre-
               IN CUNEO              types of primary glass:  and product quality. Lower   vious year. Nel 2017, AGC
           TThe AGC plant in Cu-     1. 3 to 6 millimetre thick   energy consumption also   Glass Europe was the first
           neo started operations in   float glass: mainly used   means a remarkable reduc-  and only global glassmaker
           1963 and is today the larg-  for products transformed   tion in atmospheric emis-  to obtain Cradle to Cradle
           est glass production plant   at the same plant (lami-  sions, with 50 per cent less   Certified Bronze certifica-
           in the Italian construction   nated, mirrors, acid-  CO (carbon monoxide), 14   tion for its insulating glass.
           sector. The plant stretches   etched, coatings); and  per cent less CO2 (carbon   IMPROVED PRODUCT
           over 360,000 square me-   2. 8 to 25 millimetre thick   dioxide) and 30 per cent   RANGES
           tres and employs about     float glass: the exclusive   less NOx (nitrogen ox-
           220 people. With a daily   Linea Azzurra range,    ides).                    The Cuneo site manu-
           production of 600 tons of   highly appreciated by   In fact, in 2010, AGC    factures a wide range of
           glass, it covers the needs   architects and designers   Glass Europe was the first   products in various thick-
           of the Italian and overseas   for particular interior de-  and only European glass-  nesses, from 3 to 25 milli-
           markets. In addition to the   sign needs.          maker to be Cradle to Cra-  metres. Besides clear float,
           float line (primary glass   A MODERNISED AND        dleTM certified for its float   the site now also produces
           production), the site fea-  GREENER PLANT          glass and low-E and selec-  the renewed Planibel Linea
           tures processing facilities:                       tive glass (with magnetron   Azzurra range, a float glass
           laminated safety glass, mir-  During the summer, reno-  coating).            made solely in this plant.
           rors, acid-etched windows   vation work was carried out   In 2013, AGC Glass Eu-  Available in thicknesses
           and solar control coatings.   on the Cuneo plant using   rope also obtained Cra-  from 8 to 25 mm, this
                                     the most innovative design   dle to Cradle CertifiedTM   special glass has a slightly
                                     techniques. The upgraded   Silver for its range of per   bluish tint. It is made from
                                     float line will significantly   la gamma di vetro stratifi-  nickel-free materials with-
                                     increase the plant capacity,   cato di sicurezza Stratobel   out any inclusions, yield-
             AGC Group President and   reducing energy consump-  laminated safety glass and   ing a unique product that
             CEO, Takuya Shimamura, at the   tion by 25 per cent, with   Stratophone acoustic lami-  is easy to cut and process.
             official inauguration of the new
             float line at Cuneo plant  a corresponding positive   nated glass, as well as for   It is therefore particularly
                                                                                        suitable for large glazed
                                                                                        surfaces and the most re-
                                                                                        fined furniture creations.
                                                                                        Planibel Light (residen-
                                                                                        tial sector) and Stopray
                                                                                        Smart (large glazing areas
                                                                                        and curtain walling), up to
                                                                                        products for interior de-
                                                                                        sign such as Matelac and
                                                                                        Lacobel (satin-etched and
                                                                                        enamelled), Mirox (mir-
                                                                                        ror) and, for safety and
                                                                                        comfort, Stratobel and
                                                                                        Stratophone   laminated
                                                                                        glazing. The most recent
                                                                                        new arrivals of AGC’s
                                                                                        extensive product range
             © AGC Glass Europe                                                         include Clearsight and
                                                                                        Planibel Clearlite anti-re-
                                                                                        flective glass. Clearsight is
                                                                                        an extra-clear type of float
                                                                                        glass with a special anti-

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