Page 81 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2018
P. 81

© AGC Glass Europe

             AGC Group President and   metres) float glass, without   mance with regards to lu-  technology enables archi-
             CEO, Takuya Shimamura,   stresses and nickel inclu-  minosity and energy.  tects and designers to re-
             cutting the ribbon at the  sions that make it unique,   And thanks to its high lu-  quest a ‘tailor-made’ glass
             official inauguration of the new
             float line at Cuneo plant  easy to cut and process.  minosity  transmission,  type, developed as per
                                    At the new plant, Planibel   Planibel Clearlite permits   their specific needs both in
                                    Linea Azzurra has an even   more natural light to enter   terms of aesthetics as well
                                    more neutral aspect, with   the internal environment,   as performance.
           reflective coating, which   increased technical features   reducing the use of arti-
           reduced light reflection to   and improved performance.   ficial lighting. Moreover,
           just 0.8 per cent, signifi-  The new formula of this   thanks to its low level of   AGC Flat Glass Italia
           cantly lower compared to   glass reduces its levels of   energy absorption, it re-
           traditional float glass. See   energy absorption, provid-  duces the risk of thermal
           from the outside, the glass   ing higher light transmis-  shock.
           is highly transparent and   sion and optimum energy   COATING ON
           does not reflect the sur-  yield.                    DEMAND
           rounding environment.
                                    Planibel Clearlite
                                                               ‘Coating on Demand’ is
           Planibel Linea Azzurra
                                    Planibel Clearlite is a mini-  AGC’s new customized     Via Genova, 31
           Planibel Linea Azzurra is   mum thickness clear glass   process in response to the   12100 Cuneo (CN) - Italy
           made exclusively at AGC’s   (3-6 millimetres) with a re-  growing needs and de-  Tel.: 0171 3401 - Fax: 0171-340349
           Cuneo plant, and is a clear,   duced iron content, which   mands for flexibility. This   E-mail:
           large-thickness (8-25 milli-  provides improved perfor-  unique and excusive AGC

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