Page 32 - Glass-Technology International no. 4/2018
P. 32



           Eastman announces the availability   LAUNCH OF NEW SAFLEX
           of the new Saflex  SoundPro acoustic
           glazing calculator now available at   ACOUSTIC GLAZING CALCULATOR
  The calcu-
           lator is free to architects and engineers
           and gives them the ability to compare
           a variety of glazing components and
           technologies to determine optimal
           glazing configurations to meet specific
           acoustic performance targets.
           Using large, dramatic panels of glass
           is one of today’s most popular design
           trends. However, the benefits of day-
           lighting and improved views provided
           by large glass expanses also increase
           the transmission of sound, especially
           in dense urban environments. The
           challenge for the design commu-    receive a detailed report including   and solutions while maintaining a
           nity is to understand the breadth of   acoustic ratings, test details, a sound   commitment to safety and sustain-
           materials, design techniques, acoustic   transmission loss chart, glazing con-  ability. Its market-driven approaches
           glazing systems, and other variables   figuration details, and more.  take advantage of world-class
           to meet project requirements.      “A key benefit of SoundPro is the   technology platforms and leading
           “It’s hard to know what acoustic   ability to get the Sound Transmission   positions in attractive end markets
           glazing solution best meets the needs   Loss data immediately upon selection   such as transportation, building and
           for a project – especially since each   of a tested unit,” adds Moens. “Our   construction, and consumables. East-
           project is different,” said Kevin   acoustic support team is also ready   man focuses on creating consistent,
           Moens, commercial director, archi-  to provide estimates for customized   superior value for all stakeholders. As
           tecture. “That’s why we developed   configuration requests.”          a globally diverse company, Eastman
           SoundPro. It’s an easy-to-use pro-  Eastman is a global advanced materi-  serves customers in more than 100
           gram that quickly identifies potential   als and specialty additives company   countries and had 2017 revenues of
           acoustic solutions for your project.”  that produces a broad range of prod-  approximately USD 9.5 billion. The
           SoundPro offers two modes to gener-  ucts found in items people use every   company is headquartered in King-
           ate calculations. The Product Selector   day. With a portfolio of specialty   sport, Tennessee, USA, and employs
           mode requires users to input acoustic   businesses, Eastman works with cus-  approximately 14,000 people around
           performance targets using global   tomers to deliver innovative products   the world.
           standards of Sound Transmission
           Class (STC), Outside Inside Trans-
           mission Class (OITC), and Reduction
           Index (Rw). SoundPro then identifies   HORN
           the acoustic glazing solutions that
           meet these specifications.         TECHNOLOGICAL LINE FOR AZERFLOAT
           The second mode is the Glazing Con-
           figurator, which provides estimates   Horn Glass Industries will supply a complete technological line for the Azerfloat
           for custom designed glazing sys-  glass plant in Azerbaijan, which includes the batch plant, via the melting furnace, the
           tems. Users have a range of variables   tin bath and annealing lehr to the robotised cold end, with cutting, stacking, packing
           to consider, including the type of   and transporting carried out using specially developed storage technology.
           acoustic interlayer, glass thickness,   Horn will also supply a fully automated process management system for the hot-end.
           air space, types of insulated glass, and   The new glass line will produce approximately 250 tonnes of clear and tinted coated
           design strategies. Once a calculation   float glass per day. The new production facility will create about 300 new jobs.
           is complete, users have the option   The float glass plant is being built in an industrial park in Sumgait, 30km north of
           to refine these selections, and then   the capital, Baku.

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