Page 28 - Glass-Technology International no. 4/2018
P. 28



           One of the global players of the   SISECAM
           glass industry, Sisecam Group has
           completed its acquisition process of   GROWTH CONTINUES
           Sangalli Vetro Manfredonia facility in
           Italy. Trakya Cam Sanayii, Sisecam   ing” and “chemicals”, Sisecam Group   tion capacity of 190 thousand tons/
           Group’s company operating in flat   Vice President and CEO Prof. Ahmet   year, the Sangalli Vetro Manfredonia
           glass manufacturing has invested   Kirman, said “In order to reach our   plant will provide strategic advantage
           EUR 15.7 million in a second facility   global strategic goals, we are as-  in terms of our flat glass manufactur-
           in Italy and doubled its production   sessing both organic and inorganic   ing activities in Europe.”
           capacity in the country.          growth opportunities. We are contin-  “Sangalli Vetro Manfredonia plant
           In a statement about the acquisi-  uously working to assess all potential   has also both laminating and coating
           tion, Sisecam Group Vice President   opportunities, including acquisitions,   lines. Our competence and capac-
           and CEO Prof. Ahmet Kirman said,   joint ventures and other collabora-  ity in flat glass operation in Italy will
           “Operating in 13 countries, Sisecam   tion opportunities, in line with our   continue to increase with the acquisi-
           Group continues to grow by creat-  investment policy based on sustain-  tion of the Manfredonia plant. We
           ing value for its operating countries   able growth and high performance.   aim to expand our product range
           through investments and employ-   The acquisition of the Sangalli Vetro   further by the help of those produc-
           ment. With this acquisition, our   Manfredonia plant in Italy is also a   tion lines, and we aim to be the
           Group, Italy’s largest Turkish inves-  result of our long-term and value-  largest manufacturer of architectural
           tor, has become one of Italy’s largest   creating sustainable growth approach   glass in Italy. With the completion of
           flat glass producers and has strength-  and our work in this scope.”  the acquisition of the Sangalli Vetro
           ened its leadership in Europe.”   Emphasizing the production activities   Manfredonia plant, we have doubled
           Sangalli Vetro Manfredonia flat glass   of Sisecam Group in 13 countries,   our flat glass production capacity in
           production facility, located in the   Ahmet Kirman said: “Sisecam Group   Italy. Thus, we have further strength-
           southern part of Italy, has a capac-  is the largest Turkish industrialist in   ened our flat glass leadership in
           ity of 190 thousand tons/year, along   Italy today. We have been operating   Europe” Kirman stated.
           with a laminating line with 4 million   in the field of chemicals for many   One of the most established enter-
           square meters/year capacity, a coat-  years in Italy with Cromital SpA, our   prises in Turkey, Sisecam Group
           ing line with 4 million square meters/  production facility for chromium   is a global actor in business fields
           year capacity, and a satin coating   compounds. With the acquisition of   including all main areas of glass in-
           line with 1.5 million square meters/  Sangalli Porto Nogaro in 2016, we   dustry, i.e. flat glass, glassware, glass
           year capacity. In 2016, Sisecam   also started flat glass production in   packaging and glass fiber, as well as
           Group also acquired the Sangalli   Italy. That acquisition has created   soda and chromium chemicals. Today
           Porto Nogaro plant of Sangalli Group   synergy with our flat glass operations   Sisecam, the world’s leading supplier
           located in northern Italy.        in Bulgaria and made a significant   of chromium compounds and the
           Stating that they are operating in four   contribution to our competition   10th largest soda ash producer in the
           main business fields, namely “flat   capacity in Europe. Both with its   world, is the third largest glassware,
           glass”, “glassware”, “glass packag-  geographical location and its produc-  the fifth largest glass packaging and
                                                                                flat glass manufacturer globally.
                                                                                The Group, which has 42 production
                                                                                facilities in total, has manufacturing
                                                                                activities in Turkey, Germany, Italy,
                                                                                Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Hunga-
                                                                                ry, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Russian
                                                                                Federation, Georgia, Ukraine, Egypt
                                                                                and India. With its more than 80
                                                                                years of experience, 22,000 employ-
                                                                                ees, production in 13 countries, and
                                                                                sales in more than 150 countries,
                                                                                Sisecam is a group at international
                                                                                scale and continues on its journey to
                                                                                become one of top three global pro-
                                                                                ducers in its all-main business fields.

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