Page 57 - Glass-Technology International no. 4/2018
P. 57

sees this as the ensuing con-  ously optimise maintenance                    reducing advantages can be
           tinuation of the company’s   efforts with new technical   NETWORK            identified and exploited.
           existing strategy. “Histori-  measures.             UTILISATION              Thanks to the improved
           cally, both competition and   Despite all his enthusi-  AND DIGITAL          opportunities of commu-
           costs have put big pressure   asm over the capabilities   ADVANCEMENTS       nicating directly between
           on the glass industry and   and benefits of Industry   Some  aspects  regard-  humans and machinery,
           increased the demand,     4.0, the long-standing MD   ing Industry 4.0’s vision   there is more available data
           with a need to constantly   promotes a balanced and   for glass manufacturers   to support decision-making
           find new solutions that    sustainable approach built   have already been accom-  or even use solutions gen-
           exceed the optimised ca-  on in-depth expertise and   plished. Many companies,   erated by the systems au-
           pacity of single facilities   consideration. Not every   for example, are already   tonomously. One simple
           or production processes,”   customer will be able to   capable of producing cus-  and topical example Bern-
           Hötger explains. “Our in-  capitalise on the advantages   tomised, individual cut-  hard Hötger cites are the
           novation project will offer   of fully networked solutions   ting programs under the   now long-established net-
           our customers additional   and, by giving special at-  same conditions and costs   worked loading systems,
           advantages over competi-  tention to the cost-benefit   as large-scale projects,   which no longer provide
           tors, reduce the costs on   ratio, it might appear rea-  Hötger emphasises. With   glass on demand and only
           their production lines, en-  sonable not to digitalise all   the proposed higher level   do so in line with the opera-
           able more flexibility and   processes, link all machines   of network utilisation and   tor’s requirements. Instead,
           further improve the cycle   to the network or devolve   digital advancements, as   the required type of glass is
           times.” An additional aim   completely to artificial in-  well as the increased use of   requested by the joint pro-
           is to reduce and continu-  telligence.              available data, further cost-  duction control system, and

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