Page 54 - Glass-Technology International no. 4/2018
P. 54


           Depending on the type of   PILKINGTON               be used in critical loca-
           protection to be obtained,   OPTIPHON™              tions, such as in the glaz-
           specific types of laminated                          ing of residential homes
           glass can be produced, by   Pilkington  Optiphon™   (windows,  doors,  rail-
           varying the thickness and   is a high quality acoustic   ings, stairs, etc.), but also
           the number of each ply, as   laminated glass that of-  in commercial environ-
           well as the coating applied   fers excellent noise reduc-  ment, in shop windows, in
           to the glass surface and,   tion in limited thicknesses,   schools, hospitals, public
           consequently, the photo-  without significant weight   places, etc. In order to ful-
           metric properties.        increase and without com-  fil the protection from falls
           Pilkington can therefore   promising on light trans-  function, a laminated glass
           offer a very wide range of   mittance or impact perfor-  shall be used. The Italian
           products suitable for many   mance.                 reference standard is UNI
           applications, such as solar   The desired acoustic per-  7697, defining the Safety
           control (with Pilkington   formance can be achieved   criteria in glass applica-
           Suncool™ or Pilkington    through combining vari-   tions.
           Eclipse Advantage™), ther-  ous thicknesses of glass   Most of Pilkington Opti-
           mal insulation (with Pilk-  with a special PVB inter-  lam™ and Pilkington Op-
           ington Optitherm™ or Pilk-  layer. With a large variety   tiphon™ products bear
           ington K Glass™ range),   of product combinations,   a distinguished marking
           anti-reflective (with Pilk-  Pilkington Optiphon™ of-  – CSICERT UNI – which
           ington OptiView™ range)   fers the opportunity to   certifies their performance
           essential to provide shop   achieve specific noise re-  in terms of safety and se-
           windows with security and   duction requirements, and   curity from vandalism, de-
           high transparency, or self-  security as well.      liberate physical attack and
           cleaning functions (with   The Italian legislation state   even from firearms.
                                     that only safety glass may
           Pilkington Activ™ range).  th that oonly y safefetyty gglass mmayay

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