Page 65 - Glass-Technology International no. 2-2019
P. 65





                                                  OF SUPPLY AND

         During an interview with EVERLAM,
                                                  EXPERTS YOU
         we found out about how this

         relatively young company that

         produces PVB film for laminated           CAN TALK TO

         glass is dedicated to growing

         its presence in the market and

         making a difference by focusing

         on product innovation and smart

         business processes to better                   TI: First of all, what can you   South America, the Middle East
                                                        tell us about EVERLAM?
                                                                                  and Japan. Our product range then
         serve its customers.                     GEverlam:  EVERLAM is a         included clear PVB film, white and
                                                                                  a nice palette of mineral colours.
                                                  relatively young company as we are
                                                  only four years old. Right from the   Secondly, we invested massively
                                                  beginning we focused on growth   in our R&D assets with a new pi-
                                                  and are continuing to do so. This is   lot plant that we installed in 2016,
                                                  supported by our global organisa-  and later, our new Center of Com-
                                                  tion, our large capacity and process   petence that includes a brand new
                                                  optimization. Besides, we do what   laboratory.
                                                  we say we do and put our words in   The third growth axis was, logi-
                                                  practical action.               cally, focused our resources on
                                                                                  developing our product portfolio,
                                                  Three-pronged growth            making it more comprehensive and
                                                  First, we grew our organisation and   competitive, with application spe-
                                                  developed our sales force across   cific innovations that respond to the
                                                  Europe, followed by the US, then   architectural glass market needs.

               Entrance Castle ruins in Valkenburg,                       Glass-Technology International 2/2019  63
              the Netherlands. Courtesy of Scheuten.
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