Page 67 - Glass-Technology International no. 2-2019
P. 67

Hoekse Lijn, Rotterdam Den Haag, the Netherlands.
                                                             Courtesy of Scheuten.

                                                               everyone is considered on   a small company, employ-
                                                               the same level.          ees are considered, they are
                                                                                        encouraged to share ideas
                                                               GTI: It’s true that nowa-  and are part of the decision
                                                               days, people no longer   making in the company,
                                                               want to be considered as a   which helps cut corners
                                                               number in a big corporate   and speed things up.
                                                               structure. They want to be   An example of this is our
                                                               considered as people, with   recent work for the new air-
                                                               ideas and passions...    port in Istanbul, for which
                                                               Everlam: Right. And that’s   EVERLAM was chosen as
                                                               the sort of satisfaction   a supplier because of the
                                                               people get from working   company’s quick response
                                                               at EVERLAM. As we are    time. We can achieve it be-

                                         EVERLAM™ COOL – NO-COMPROMISE SOLAR CONTROL SOLUTION

                                       EVERLAM™ COOL is a new generation of   Other products that control solar heat often distort
           Mukumcari cable car, Venezuela;   high-performance PVB film using nanoparticles   colors and at dusk or, on a dull day, make you
           Laminator: BELFORT GLASS;   technology and designed to give laminated safety   feel as if you were in a dark cave. And some even
           Glazing installer: CAMETAL.                                    increase the risk of glass corrosion over time.
           Laminated glass uses 0.38 mm   glass more efficient solar heat control properties. It   High Light-to-Solar Gain ratio
           EVERLAM™ Azure Blue PVB    uniquely combines an excellent protection against
           interlayer.                 infra-red radiation with the advantage of allowing light
           Photo: Mr. L. Valecillos, Cametal  in while preserving the natural colors of what we can
                                       see through the glass.
                                       EVERLAM™ COOL key features at a glance:

           The work environment is
           very relaxed – more like a
           home than an office, with
           background music. But it
           is serious too!
           It was, in fact, quite an                                       The graph shows that EVERLAM™ COOL allows
           important investment for                                        A HIGH VISIBLE LIGHT TRANSMITTANCE EVEN WHEN     OF
           a family-owned company                                          the solar heat is blocked.
           like EVERLAM, but really                                        As a superior solar heat shield solution,
           worth it!                                                       %6%2,!-© #//, DELIVERS HIGH ,IGHT TO 3OLAR
                                                                           'AIN RATIO  UP TO       OR ,3'  DElNED AS THE RATIO
           A special work environment                                      OF THE 6ISIBLE ,IGHT 4RANSMITTANCE  6,4  TO THE
                                        s  #ONSTANTLY HIGH ,IGHT TO 3OLAR 'AIN RATIO  UP TO
           The message behind such        1.7) with tunable solar heat gain coefficient as   3OLAR (EAT 'AIN #OEFlCIENT  3('#   ! HIGHER
           an environment is quite        low as 0.3;                      ,3' RATIO MEANS THAT A LOT OF LIGHT CAN ENTER A ROOM
                                                                            while a high proportion of the related heat is kept
           strong — which is that       s  #OLOR NEUTRALITY                 out. EVERLAM™ COOL filters infra-red rays of
           everyone needs to work       s  ,OW HAZE                         1,300 to 2,500 nm.
           together to innovate at all   s  ,OW REmECTION OF VISIBLE LIGHT          %6%2,!-© #//, S ,3' RATIO CAN BE ADJUSTED
           levels. Everyone is part of a   s  3IGNIlCANT AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SAVINGS   for different applications. For example, vertical
           family and not just a ‘num-   EVERLAM™ COOL is a long lasting material and   windows will favor a maximum of light coming
           ber’ in a big corporation.    unique in that it preserves colors seen through the   through whereas in roof applications, the emphasis
                                         laminated glass. Whether looking from inside out or
           In our flat organisation,                                         can be placed on heat filtration.
                                         from outside in, natural colors can shine.

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