Page 11 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
P. 11

                                                                                                        Year 30
                                                                                                     No. 4 (170)
                                                                               BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE
                                                                                     PUBLISHED BY

                                                                            Via Antonio Gramsci, 57 - 20032 Cormano (Milano) - Italy
                                                                                               Tel.: +39 - 02 - 66306866
                                        In this article
            ENERGY SAVINGS              we take a look            E-mail: •
                                        at a new study
           Glass for Europe             carried out by   5. A maximum saving po-
                                        TNO for Glass
                                             tential by 2050
                                        for Europe,
                                             FROM TNO
                                        which shows   THE STUDY   PUBLISHING DIRECTOR: Arcangelo Altamura
                                             The new study by the
                                             Dutch scientifi c  institute
                                        how actionable   TNO, fi nds that nearly 30
                                             per cent of Europe’s build-
                                        and targeted   ing energy consumption
                                             for heating and cooling
                                             could be saved in 2030 if
                                        policy measures   all Europe’s buildings were   EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Marco Pinetti
                                             equipped with high-perfor-
                                        on glazing can   mance glazing. To Glass
                                             for Europe, it is striking
                                        already make a   to note that almost half of
                                             these savings could be real-
                                        huge difference   ised in as little as 10 years   ASSOCIATE EDITOR
                                             should the renovation rate
                                        in 10 years, if   of windows be doubled,   Valerie Anne Scott  |
                                             i.e. from 2 per cent to 4
                                             per cent annually, and that
                                             newly installed windows
                               also simulates the impacts 84    CONTRIBUTING EDITORS
                                             be equipped with high-
                                             performance glazing.
                                             The study by TNO is a
                                             quantifi cation of both en-
                                             ergy and CO2 savings
                                             that can be realised for
                                             heating and cooling of
                                         the penetration of high-
                                             buildings thanks to high-
                                             performance glazing across
                                         performance heating and
                                             the 28 EU Member States
                                         cooling equipment, etc.
                                             in both horizons 2030
                                         The study is based on fi ve
           ENERGY SAVINGS AND            different scenarios and for   and 2050. In addition to   Jennifer Pressman, Zoë Elaine Whitten
                                             full potentials, whereby all
                                         each of them provides out-
                                         put data for the 28 coun-
                                             windows are equipped with
           CO 2  EMISSION REDUCTION      tries of the EU:  high-performance glazing
                                         1. A 1 per cent window re-
                                             across all EU buildings, it
                                             also simulates the impacts
                                         placement rate in 2020
                                         2. A 10-year scenario ap-
                                             of several window replace-
                                         dow replacement rate
                                             a baseline scenario.
                                             Leo Bakker, author of the
           OTENTIAL IM-  Glass for Europe commis-  TNO Built Environment   performance glazing across   high-performance glazing   The study draws on recent   plying a 1 per cent win-  ment rates, all compared to   ADVERTISING
                                         annually between 2020
           PACT OF HIGH-  sioned a study on energy   and Geoscience (TNO).  the 28 EU Member States   across all EU buildings, it   scientifi c sources to defi ne   and 2030  study and Façade expert
          PPERFORMANCE   savings and CO 2  emission   This study is a quantifi ca-  in both 2030 and 2050   of several window replace-  input parameters such as   3. A maximum saving po-  at TNO, explains: “This
                                    today’s Europe building
                        horizons. In addition to
                   tion of both energy and
                                             study is an update of stud-
                                         tential by 2030
          GLAZING ON   ing glazing to the inde-  CO 2  savings that can be   full potentials, whereby all   ment rates, all compared to   stock and performance, the   4. A 1 per cent window re-  ies realised by TNO on the
               avoidance of high perform-
          ENERGY AND CO2   pendent research institute   realised thanks to high-  windows are equipped with
          SAVINGS IN EUROPE    a baseline scenario.  evolution in the energy mix,   placement rate in 2030  same topic a decade ago.   ITALY: Maurizio Lozza  |
                                                                WORLDWIDE: Luciano Molina  |
          84 Glass-Technology International 4/2019  Glass-Technology International 4/2019  85
                                                                GRAPHIC DESIGN
                                                                Sonia Previato  |
               Goldglass       CONTINUOUS GROWTH AND            PRINTED BY: BICIDI ARTI GRAFICHE - Via San Felice n. 37d
                               IMPROVEMENTS LOOKING FOR
                               THE ‘NEXT BREAKTHROUGH’          16138 Genova (Molassana) - Italy
                                                                BACK COPIES: € 29 air mail included  |  Italy: € 15
                                                                Entire contents © 2019 by A151 S.r.l. All rights reserved. Reproduction even
                                                                partially in any form is strictly prohibited unless written permission has first been
                                    find out firsthand how it is working with global markets. 88  no manuscripts or photographs will be returned. The editor’s office does not accept
                                                                obtained from the Publisher. The magazine is open to collaboration from all, but
                                                                responsibility for opinions expressed in signed articles.  The Court responsible is
                                   With family-based roots and ownership, Goldglass has, since its
                                   founding in the 1990s, continued to focus on innovation, productivity   Milan. Publication registered at no. 208 of the Milan Court Records Office on 24.3.1990
                                    and efficiency. And these three important features can be seen in the
                                                                - ISSN 1126-8573
                                    company’s products, which can be customized or more industrial with
                                           Glass-Technology International 4/2019
          88 Glass-Technology International 4/2019  state of the art - standard production. We spoke to the company to   GLASS-TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, N.170, ANNO 30, 2019 - PERIODICO BIMESTRALE.
            MACHINERY MANUFACTURERS  Glass Company               regular features   I   regular features
                               COMBINING TECHNOLOGY,
                               INNOVATION AND VERSATILITY
                                                    COATING TECHNOLOGY
                                         Giardina Group         14  OUR FAIR CALENDAR 2019
          Moving with the times – an expression
           that we all hear often and know very   long known as a technology  50 YEARS OF
                                         The north of Italy has been
           well – is becoming more and more an   hub with a series of ‘historic’  SKILLS, EXPERIENCE,   18 BUSINESS NEWS
           everyday situation for glassmakers and
          glass processing machinery manufacturers.   and family-owned companies
                                         now in their second- and third  RESEARCH AND
           This article shows us how one of Italy’s
           machinery manufacturers is continuing to   became part of this hub more  INNOVATION
                                         generations. Giardina Group
           develop its technology, providing high-tech   than 50 years ago, working in   116  SUPPLIERS GUIDE - Yellow Pages
           solutions for ever-more performing glass.  a number of important sectors,
                                         including glass, now offering a
                                           Glass-Technology International 4/2019
          96 Glass-Technology International 4/2019  series of high-tech solutions   97
                                             local Tampere workshops.  101
                                         for the most demanding market
                                         and client requests.   126 SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE
            POST SHOW REPORT
           GPD 2019                      This year’s GPD,   ment Forum guests and the   Glass-Technology International 4/2019  101  glass technology
                                         with attendees
                                             GPD 2019 set records in
                                         coming from the
                                             many ways. A total of 242
                                        world over to fi nd   presentations offered by a
                                             world-class line-up of 220
                                             speakers both set new re-
                                        out how the glass   cords. An all-time high of         Discover the Vertical ReMaster:
                                             280 fi rst-timers  attended,
                                       sector is developing and   marking a transition to      More Money Saving, Less Waste.
                                             pants. These will be some
                                    improving, took place in an atmosphere   of the upcoming ambas-     cover advertiser
                                             sadors to carry on making
                                    that was celebrative in all ways possible.   GPD a truly one-of-a-kind
                                             forum for openly sharing
                                    But this time, the event was also a   ideas, innovations and in-
                                    spectacular occasion for Chairman   During the fi rst-ever  Man-
                                             agement Forum held in con-
                                    Jorma Vitkala to say ‘goodbye’.  junction with GPD, a panel
                                             of seven outstanding speak-
                                             ers presented their per-
                                             spectives on mind-blowing
                COUNTRY OUTLOOK
                   South Africa                                 Hegla GmbH & Co. Kg
                   is among the
                   largest flat
                   glass markets
                   ences and meetings, but
            PD is always a dif-  portant industry sectors,  on the African   is the spirit of GPD that   Industriestrasse 21
            fi cult to describe   all on an easy-going, ultra-  also with regards to social   will live on for generations
          G occasion – is it a   friendly level at all times. continent. Aided   to come.  104
          conference? A networking   This year’s event was no   Held 26–28 June in Tam-
                   pere, Finland, this year is
          event? A trade show? The   different, and with a num- by the country’s   HIGHLIGHTS
          answer is not really diffi -  ber of ‘regular’ attendees   the 27th year since the con-  FROM GPD 2019  37688 Beverungen - Germany
          cult as we all know – it is a   – including Glass-Tech- construction and   This year, over 1,000 del-
                   ference was established.
          combination of all this and   nology International, this   According to the founding   egates from around the
          much more. An occasion   year’s special event provide   father and mastermind of   world participated in total,   Hope to see you at:
          to meet up with your peers,   the usual mix of knowledge  rapidly growing   including those who at-
                   the event Jorma Vitkala:
          but also with top people   and networking atmos-  “knowledge grows when   tended the Helsinki High
          from some of the most im-  phere during the confer- automotive   Rise seminar, the Manage-  Tel.: +49-5273-9050
                   knowledge is shared.” This
                   sector, the flat                                                                             17.-19. Sept. 2019 • USA
          104 Glass-Technology International 4/2019
       South Africa’s  glass industry      Glass-Technology International 4/2019  105
    fl at glass industry  has made                               Fax: +49-5273-905252         Simple savings for anyone!   24.-26. Sept. 2019 • UAE
                   modest progress
                   in the last ten
     outh Africa is the
              reconfi rmed political sta-
         tion sector, which is the
     S powerhouse in the   regards to the construc-  are under control and the   years. Glass-   E-mail:  Breath new life into your remnants with the Vertical ReMaster. The unit
         main driver of the fl at glass
              bility are essential factors
                                                                                             keeps your reusable panes accessible for the cutting line until they can
     African continent, and is   sector. Nevertheless, the   for a robust recovery.          processes and this ensures your glass products are of the highest quality.
                                                                                             be put to optimum use. This saves valuable resources, improves your
     a leader in almost every   country’s overall economy   PFG BUILDING GLASS  International
     sector. It contributes ap-  reported growth of 0.8 per
     proximately 16 per cent of   cent in 2018, which was   PFG Building Glass, a di-        •  Remnants made accessible on the cutting line in a precise cycle
     Africa’s GDP and is the   less compared to previ-  vision of the PG Group, is   presents an  •  Optimal and time-saving availability of reusable panes
     30th largest in the world   ous years, when reported   the leading manufacturer
     according to the World   growth up to the end of   of fl oat and patterned glass   insight of South   •  No glass damage or interruptions due to manual handling
     Economic Forum’s Global   2013 was 2 per cent or   in South Africa. The com-
     Competitiveness Report.  higher.  pany is the only fl oat glass   Africa’s flat
     Over the last fi ve  years,   It is and remains the most   manufacturer in the coun-
     after the important works   industrialized economy in   try. The company’s pro-  glass industry in
     and construction for the   Africa, with a slower pe-  duction facility is located
     World  Cup,  economic  riod of prolonged growth   at Springs, near Johannes-           HEGLA • Industriestr. 21 • D-37688 Beverungen • E-Mail:
     growth has undergone a   but the outlook is positive,   burg, producing 260,000   this article.
     slow-down, especially with   public debt and infl ation   tons of high quality fl oat   Hegla 1 pag.indd   1
                                                                                           2019-08_Anz_resteloesung_gb_g-ti_210x297mm_v21.indd   1
                Glass-Technology International 4/2019  109
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