Page 28 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
P. 28


                                                    Filtraglass and JordonGlass
                    bm-ѴbŒ;7 - u;ru;v;m|-ঞom


                m  ƑѶ   †m;ķ Filtraglass  Cm-ѴbŒ;7  -m  -]u;;l;m|  ‰b|_   a market that is new for the company.
           OJordonGlass,  which  will represent the company in   The American market, across all its sectors, is characterised
           the United States, opening the door to a market that is es-  0‹ u;voѴ†|; 7;|;ulbm-ঞom |o -1_b;ˆ; blruoˆ;7 -m7 lou; v†v-
           r;1b-ѴѴ‹ blrou|-m| 7†; |o b|v vbŒ; -m7 0†vbm;vv ˆoѴ†l;ĺ  |-bm-0Ѵ; ruo7†1ঞom -| 0;‚;u rub1;vķ ‰_b1_ bv ru;1bv;Ѵ‹ ‰_-|
           JordonGlass is a company headquartered in Miami, Florida,    bѴ|u-]Ѵ-vv o@;uvĹ ‰-|;u u;1‹1Ѵbm] v‹v|;lv |o Ѵo‰;u 1ov|vķ bm-
           founded almost 40 years ago and specialising in the interna-  1u;-v; ruo7†1ঞˆb|‹ -m7 u;7†1; |_; -lo†m| o= ‰-v|; |_-| bv
           ঞom-Ѵ 7bv|ub0†ঞom o= l-1_bm;u‹ -m7 |ooѴv =ou |_; ]Ѵ-vv bm7†v-  generated by the industry.
           |u‹ĺ  | -Ѵvo o@;uv 1omv†Ѵ|-m1‹ v;uˆb1;v =ou |_; v;1|ouĺ  $_uo†]_ |_bv 1oѴѴ-0ou-ঞom  bѴ|u-]Ѵ-vv _or;v |o 1omঞm†; v1-Ѵ-
           $o v;| |_bv m;‰ 1oѴѴ-0ou-ঞom bm loঞomķ  ou7om Ѵ-vv ‰bѴѴ 0;   bm] †r b|v bm|;um-ঞom-Ѵ ;Šr-mvbom -m7 |o u;-1_ o†| |o - l-u-
           u;ru;v;mঞm]  bѴ|u-]Ѵ-vv -| |_;  Ѵ-vv †bѴ7  l;ub1- =-bu bm  |-  h;| 0ubllbm] ‰b|_ orrou|†mbঞ;vķ bm ‰_b1_ b| 1-m
           lanta this coming September. At stand 1343, in hall B2, Jor-  ]u;-|Ѵ‹ 1om|ub0†|; -m7 l-h; - 7b@;u;m1;ĺ
           donGlass will introduce Filtraglass’ water recycling systems to               FILTRAGLASS.COM

                                                                        ALU PRO and ENSINGER


                                                                        Alu Pro and Ensinger have announced that they have
                                                                        ;m|;u;7 bm|o ;Š1Ѵ†vbˆ; m;]oঞ-ঞomv =ou |_; |u-mv=;u
                                                                        of Thermix  bmv†Ѵ-ঞm] ]Ѵ-vv vr-1;uv 0†vbm;vv |o  Ѵ†
                                                                         uoĺ  Ѵovbm] o= |_; |u-mv-1ঞom bv ;Šr;1|;7 |o 1ol-
                                                                        plete as soon as possible, subject to customary clos-
                                                                        bm] 1om7bঞomv -m7 u;]†Ѵ-|ou‹ -rruoˆ-Ѵvĺ
            Ѵ;vv-m7uo  ;mŒbķ     o=  ;mŒb  uo†rķ 7;1Ѵ-u;7Ĺ ľ); -u; ˆ;u‹ ;Š1b|;7 o= ;mѴ-u]bm] o†u ruo7†1| u-m]; ‰b|_ - =†u|_;u _b]_ r;u=oul-m1;
           vr-1;uĺ ); _-ˆ; 0;;m blru;vv;7 ‰b|_  mvbm];u |;1_moѴo]b1-Ѵ ;Šr;uঞv; -m7 |_; $_;ulbŠ hmo‰ _o‰ ‰bѴѴ 0; - ]u;-| -77bঞom |o o†u 1ol-
           !oѴ-m7 !;0;uķ  -m-]bm]  bu;1|ou o=  mvbm];uķ 1oll;m|;7Ĺ ľ); -u; _-rr‹ |o _-ˆ; =o†m7 - r-u|m;u ‰_o bv ˆ;u‹ 1ollb‚;7 |o |_; =†|†u;
           -m7 |_; ]uo‰|_ o= $_;ulbŠĺ $_; v-Ѵ; o= |_bv 7bˆbvbom ‰bѴѴ ;m-0Ѵ; †v |o 1om1;m|u-|; lou; om  mvbm];uĽv 1ou; 0†vbm;vv -u;-vĺĿ
            mvbm];u _-v 0;;m l-m†=-1|†ubm] $_;ulbŠ vr-1;uv -| b|v ruo7†1ঞom vb|; bm  _-l Ő -ˆ-ub-ő vbm1; ƐƖƖƓĺ )-ul ;7]; bmv†Ѵ-ঞm] ]Ѵ-vv vr-1-
           ;uv 0u;-h |_; |_;ul-Ѵ 0ub7]; ;@;1| -| ‰bm7o‰v -m7 u;7†1; |_; ;m;u]‹ u;t†bu;7 =ou -bu 1om7bঞombm] bm uoolvĺ


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