Page 56 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
P. 56


                                     the minimal tolerances in-
           the last millimetre in a mat-  the minimal tolerances in-  the IBC Consulting Cen-
                                     volved in the position and
           ter of seconds, thus guar-  volved in the position and   tre. “Where demanding
           anteeing a flawless and du-  the precise manufacture of   architecture projects are
                                     the precise manufacture of
           rable edge seal.          the corners. Also, desic-  concerned the aesthetics of
                                     the corners. Also, desic-
           “We also process rigid    cant debris, in the intracav-  the edge seal is increasingly
                                     cant debris, in the intracav-
           spacer bars in some ap-   ity space can be ruled out   becoming an important
                                     ity space can be ruled out
                                     because the desiccant is
           plications, but the advan-  because the desiccant is   evaluation criterion. Super
                                     already integrated in Su-
           tages of automated Super   already integrated in Su-  Spacer  is virtually invisible
                                              ® ®
                                     per Spacer
           Spacer  application are   per Spacer  and does not  and does not  due to its matte surface and
                                     need to be filled separately
           making a major impact,    need to be filled separately   low height.”
           especially in the case of   as would be the case with   And what will the future
                                     as would be the case with
           the large-format insulat-  hollow box sections.    bring? No-one is yet able
                                     hollow box sections.
           ing glass units,” explains   “Especially  where  our  to predict the extent to
           Daniel Bruckelt, head of   “Giga Lites” are concerned,   which digitisation and In-
                                     “Giga Lites” are concerned,
                                     the automated processabil-
           insulating glass production   the automated processabil-  dustry 4.0 will continue to
                                     ity of the spacers and thus
           in Plattling. In addition to   ity of the spacers and thus   have an impact upon such
                                     the quality and appearance
           the time savings involved,   the quality and appearance  a highly specialised form of
                                     of the finished products are
           this particularly applies to   of the finished products are   manufacture as employed
                                     very closely linked”, adds
                                     very closely linked”, adds  by AGC Interpane in Plat-  © René Müller
                                     Michael Elstner, Head of
                                     Michael Elstner, Head of   tling. “However, we are ex-
             Robot-controlled Super Spacer
                application for XXL
                insulating glass units

                                                                                                     © René Müller

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