Page 57 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
P. 57

mbH b b b bH H H
                                                                                        E E Ed d dg ge et tech E E Eu u ur ro op pe e G G G G Gm m m m mbH
                                                                                        E E Edget tech E p

                                                                                        Gladbacher Strasse 23
                                                                                         52525 Heinsberg - Germany
                                                                                         Tel.: +49 - 2452.96491.0
                                                                                         Fax: +49 - 2452-96491.11

                                                                                       cabinet components, with
                                                                                       its head offices in Houston,
                                                                                       Texas. Based on turnover
                                                                                       Edgetech/Quanex is the
             Automation facilitates, precise,
            crimp-free and rectangular corners                                         world‘s largest manufac-
                                                                                       turer of spacers. Edgetech
                                                                                       Europe GmbH is a sales
           cellently prepared for this   insulating glass windows.   many, is a fully-owned sub-  location for the markets in
           due to our state-of-the-art   They significantly reduce   sidiary of Quanex Building   continental Europe and one
           automation and high lev-  energy loss to the outside,   Products Corporation, an   of the three worldwide Edg-
           els of flexibility”, Michael    largely prevent condensa-  industry-leading manufac-  etech production plants,
           Elstner reassures us.    tion and also contribute to   turer of components sold   with a total of 450 employ-
                                    the lifetime of a window.   to  Original  Equipment  ees and 16 extruders. You
           EDGETECH                 On average, worldwide,    Manufacturers (OEMs) in   can obtain additional in-
           EUROPE GMBH              more than 300 million me-  the building products in-  formation about the Super
           Edgetech’s Super Spacer    tres are sold annually in   dustry. Quanex designs and   Spacer  systems and the
           flexible foam-based spacer   over 90 countries.     produces energy-efficient   Warm Edge Technology of
           systems acts as energy-effi-  Edgetech Europe GmbH,   fenestration products in ad-  Edgetech here: www.super-
           cient warm edge spacers in   located in Heinsberg Ger-  dition to kitchen and bath

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