Page 72 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
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           RUBI 403VAC-3

                                                MONOLITHIC AND



               TARTING SMALL;       the family, began making   individuals and wholesal-  the most detailed and in-
               GROWING IN           windows out of his own    ers. Thirty-five years later,   teresting projects they have
           STECHNOLOGY              house in 1984.            it has about 50 employees.  done was a stained-glass
           AND PERSONNEL            Aware of the need to im-  In addition to produc-    piece for Baku, the capi-

           Krysztal is a glass manu-  prove quality and reduce   ing jumbo and laminated,   tal of Azerbaijan, for the
           facturer locate in Nowy   the time clients had to wait,   glass, their offerings in-  Olympic Games.
           Sacz, a city in the south-  he began investing in new   clude the creation of edges,   The company sells both
           east of Poland. At its helm   machinery.  Afterwards,  panel cutting, and even the   domestically and inter-
           are Janek Plata and his   the enterprise began to   manufacturing of windows   nationally, above to all to
           wife, along with their three   diversify its services and   with decorative resins or   other European countries:
           children. Plata, the head of   gain new customers, both   sand-matted glass. One of   Germany, Austria, the UK,

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