Page 73 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
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After 35 years of activity and a continuous

           aim to improve the quality of its products,

            Krysztal focuses on satisfy its clients’

             needs and demands with the right                 choosing Turomas

             machinery that provides fast and quality         for this change af-  Piotr Plata, Director
                                                                                 and Sales Manager of Krysztal
                                                              ter having gotten
              results, while ensuring worker safety. And      to know the virtues
                                                              of Turomas prod-
               this is why they contacted Turomas when        ucts and concluding
                                                              that their innova-
               investing in glass cutting machinery.          tion would improve
                                                              its ability to serve its
                                                              In Piotr’s words: “If
                                                              somebody wants to be
           Ireland and Sweden are   the need to modernize and   a leader, they have to
           its largest export markets.   adapt to the here and now.  be among leaders. We
           Krysztal’s biggest clients   “These days, glass is very   believe Turomas is a
           are glass, furniture and   much in fashion and de-  leader in the market of
           window manufacturers.    mand is very high,” said   glass-cutting machinery.”  Turomas cutting tables has
                                    Piotr. “That’s why we need   The monolithic-glass cut-  lowered production times
           QUALIFIED,               qualified, quick, and safe   ting table chosen by Krysz-  thanks to the automatic
           FAST, AND SAFE           machinery in order to meet   tal is the RUBI 403VAC-  loading of glass sheets, the
           MACHINERY                our customers’ needs by   3, while the model used    ability to strip the protec-
           Piotr Plata, Janek’s son   offering them high-quality   for cutting laminated glass   tive plastic cover at the ta-
           and current Head of Sales   glass.”                including laminated safety   ble itself and the automatic
           and Exports, has not lost   The Polish company has   glass (VSG), is the LAM   labelling system.
           sight of business traditions,   completely renovated its   304.              “These machines are the
           however he is also aware of   glass-cutting  machinery,  The  incorporation  of   most important ones we
                                                                                        have in our factory,” ex-
                                                                                        plained Piotr. “We’ve been
                                                                                        able to improve our pro-
                                                                                        ductivity, handling a higher
                                                                                        volume of orders in less
                                                                                        time. This is essential for
                                                                                        us because our clients ex-
                                                                                        pect very high quality when
                                                                                        it comes to what we manu-


                                                                                      Carretera Estación Km. 15, 8
                                                                                       44415 Rubielos De Mora - Teruel - Spain
                                                                                       Tel.: +34 - 978 - 804158
                                                                                       Fax: +34 - 978 - 804380

                                                                            LAM 30404  E-mail:

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