Page 94 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
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                                                                                        simple operations, afford-
                                                                                        able  energy  consump-
                                                                                        tion and high efficiency
                                                                                        –  works with IR System,
                                                                                        with total power in use
                                                                                        18kW/hr compared to
                                                                                        80 – 120 kW/hr of other
                                                                                        available dryers in the
                                                                                        market. Moreover, thanks
                                                                                        to its compact dimensions
                                                                                        of 6.8 meters long and
                                                                                        smart design it will also use
                                                                                        up as little floor space as
           M.R.C- 2350 CI                                                               possible with the possibility
                                                                                        of installation anywhere in
           of Goldglass Technologies   advanced, affordable and   or ceramic). No need to   the factory.
           adds: “Innovation is our   efficient product in the   use any specific paints,   • Quality  IR  (infrared)
           passion, engineering and   market today. The M.R.C-  as the machine works     elements specifically tai-
           design are at the heart of   2850-M is the modular   with any sprayable paint   lored to fit various paint-
           our company. When de-    version, gold painting for   from the operator’s pref-  ing materials.
           veloping our products,   larger, heavier and wider   erable supplier of paint.  • IR layout matching actu-
           we look for critical needs   projects. Just as affordable,   • Easy to operate.  al glass width, providing
           which are unmet and we   with the same easy to use   • Quick installation: can be   for accurate heat applica-
           bring ideas to life that ad-  interface, as the M.R.C-  fully utilized and running   tion with no energy loss.
           dress those needs.”      2350-CI. Made up of three   within a few days only!  • Separate   temperature
                                    separate, integrating units,   • An  automatic  cleaning   controls for each heating
           M.R.C-2350-CI /M.R.C-    this  modular  machine      system which allows for   zone – simple to use and
           2850-M                   makes work easier, ena-     optimized performance –   adjust.
           A revolutionary glass painting   bling to stay ahead of the   colours can be switched   • Advanced cooling mod-
           machine                  challenges coming from to-  within minutes – and     ule, facilitating further
           M.R.C-2350-CI is a revo-  day’s increasingly competi-  protects workers from   procedures without delay.
           lutionary painting machine   tive glass processing world.  exposure to hazardous   • Low energy consumption.
           that is literally changing the   • These machines are de-  materials.        • Compatible  with  Gold-
           world of glass finishing.   signed especially for glass   • Easy to maintain.  glass  Lift Master verti-
           While former generations   producers/processors.   • Dimensions and mobil-    cal glass accumulator
           of glass painting machines   Goldglass Technologies   ity:  unlike other “mon-  and  M.R.C-2350-CI/
           evolved out of painting    have a vast experience in   sters” in the market,   M.R.C-2850-M    glass
           equipment that was origi-  glass finishing and deco-  these compact machines   painting machine.
           nally designed for other   rated glass.              can be fitted wherever
           materials, such as wood,   • Goldglass  are  the pio-  needed, and easily mo-  FRAME COATING
           and had to be sufficiently –   neers and inventors of   bilized  according  to  - CHANGING THE
           or insufficiently – adjusted   edge to edge painting   changing requirements.  WORLD OF GLASS
           to the special characteris-  technology. The com-                            Goldglass Technologies is
           tics of glass, M.R.C-2350-  pany’s machines paint   GD7000 -                 introducing the latest in
           CI, our golden flagship,    only from edge to edge,   GLASS DRYER -           frame coating technology.
           was built from the start   without creating massive   ECONOMIC ENERGY        This revolutionary add-on
           with the sole purpose of   overspray, therefore sav-  CONSUMPTION AND        is available with our state-
           creating the perfect glass   ing a lot of paint.   HIGH EFFICIENCY           of-the-art MRC 2350-CI
           painting machine.        • Full compatibility with   The cutting edge GD7000   and MRC 2850-M glass
           As a result, it is the most   all paint types (organic   dryer is characterized by   painting machines.

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