Page 92 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
P. 92


                 lass-Technologyddd       His first machines were built   how did this take place?   ways improving ourselves,
                 International (GTI):   for special orders received in   What are the reasons be-  always looking for the next
           G First of all, a lit-   the studio, and from there   hind this steady and con-  breakthrough.
           tle bit about the company.   it was a short step to the   tinuous growth?
           From your company profile,   development of industrial   Goldglass: Despite the im-  GTI:  How is the company
           we can see that the founder   mechanics. Years of pro-  mediate success, we have   run and owned right now?
           of the company started in   fessional experience in the   not rested on our laurels   Goldglass:  We started out
           the glass sector as an art-  trade have taught him every-  – we keep enhancing and   and have remained as a
           ist and electrical engineer   thing anyone can possibly   improving our machines,   privately-owned and run
           - what pushed him to make   learn about glass finishing.   adding new innovative fea-  company.
           the move to glass on a more   This profound understand-  tures almost yearly.
           industrial scale?        ing of the process, com-  This means new products,   FROM FAMILY VEN-
           Goldglass: Zami Goldstein,   bined with original thinking   advanced  models,  im-  TURE TO WORLDWIDE
           the founder of Goldglass,   and technical ingenuity have   proved functions and every   PRESENCE
           is an inspiring entrepre-  led him to the creation of   little detail that would make   From a relatively anony-
           neur and a brilliant inven-  revolutionary  equipment,  glass finishing smooth,   mous  family  venture,
           tor and machine builder.   fit for glass finishing at any   user friendly, eco-friendly   Goldglass has grown into
           But first and foremost, his   volume and quantity and for   and budget friendly!   a worldwide success, with
           story is a story of love for   every use. Goldglass is his   We live glass, and just like   sales of millions in just few
           glass and glass products.   dream come true: a proven   everything else in our lives,   years since the debut of the
           Coming from the sphere   working solution for turning   we’re always growing, al-  first painting machine, the
           of electric machinery and   a once complex, expensive
           automation services, Zami   and unwieldy routine into a
           first encountered the world   clean, easy to use, affordable
           of glass at the end of the   and economical process.
           1990s. Out of sheer love   GTI: Starting as a small
           for glass he opened what   family business and
           later became the largest   becoming a globally-
           glass art studio in Israel.  known company -

                                                                             Paint line: M.R.C 2850 M and Lift Master and GD7000

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