Page 106 - Glass-Technology International no. 5-2018
P. 106



                he magic words are
                shop floor logistics.
           T People are, and will
           always be, part of the lo-
           gistics chain. With the help
           of automated work steps,
           employees are able to fo-
           cus on their tasks more            RUNNING ALMOST
           closely and therefore work
           in a more targeted man-
           ner. Mobile and driverless              AUTOMATICALLY
           machines are deployed to
           complete distracting ancil-
           lary activities or transport
           routes, and not just at the
           cold end of glass produc-
           The first step is an analy-
           sis, a data-based process
           which requires as much
           data to be collected as pos-
           sible. The company Hegla-
           Hanic GmbH & Co. KG
           has defined the necessary
           steps for its production
           solutions. The challenge in
           production is coordinating
           the machining and cycle
           times of the equipment.
           What happens at individual
           steps, how good are the in-
           terfaces and how smooth
           are the transitions? How
           well is the supply of work   habits have crept in, infor-  state, an analysis process   process to be honed in
           materials  coordinated?   mation is scattered and, of   which is more successful   on. Driverless transport
           Machine parks are gener-  course, there are always   the more data the company   systems are flexible in this
           ally designed to be very   unplanned downtimes.    has collected. Scenarios   context, particularly when
           heterogeneous,  certain                            can be simulated to deter-  it comes adapting to fu-
           processes have “grown”,   CONTRARY TO              mine the steps where pro-  ture requirements, mean-
                                     EXPECTATIONS             duction needs adapting.   ing production lines will no
                                     Taking a closer look at   To do so, affected teams   longer require redesigning.
                VDMA                 processes often shows that   must describe the require-  Source: Hegla-Hanic
                                                              ments and the ideal process
                                       they are far more com-
                                       they a
                                            plex than initially   and then compare both   GEOPOSITIONING
                                             thought, despite   with the actual state. Sim-  IN PRODUCTION
            VDMA represents more than 3,200 mostly
                                             the fact that they   ulating scenarios with the   FACILITIES
           medium-sized companies in the mechanical
                                            should be simple   respective production soft-  The use of automated
           engineering industry. With over 1.3 million
                                            and efficient. The   ware enables different so-  guided vehicles is conceiv-
           employees and sales of around EUR 232
           billion (2018), the sector is the largest
                                            goal is to deter-  lutions to be tested, which   able in any industry sector,
           industrial employer in Germany and one of
                                            mine the ideal    in turn allows the optimal   regardless of the prod-
          the leading German industrial sectors.
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