Page 107 - Glass-Technology International no. 5-2018
P. 107

Production processes are constantly

           being optimized. Both time and cost

           pressure require the constant revision

           and reorganization of organizational

           structures in internal logistics, and this         scanner which detects how   transport system itself us-

           is no different in the glass industry.             light reflects off reflectors   ing safety scanners.
                                                              installed on the walls at
                                                                                        Source: Grenzebach
           With companies increasing their digital            certain distances. As soon   STILL ROOM FOR
                                                              as two or more reflectors
                                                              are detected, the vehicle is   IMPROVEMENT
           networks, the use of automated guided              able to accurately deter-  According to Dipl.-Ing.
                                                              mine its current position.   Thomas Albrecht, an expert
           vehicles will also make it easier to               Using a triangulation algo-  on automated guided vehi-
                                                              rithm in the control soft-  cles at the Fraunhofer Insti-
           implement these processes.                         ware, the necessary steer-  tute for Material Flow and
                                                              ing commands are sent to   Logistics (IML), the topic
                                                              the vehicle. The company   has been trending across
                                                              also uses a second navi-  industries for three to four
           uct. Transporting glass   ed to the server via adapt-  gation system, known as   years. Compared to other
           is a particular challenge.    ers, allowing adjustments   a dead reckoning naviga-  automation solutions, these
           Grenzebach GmbH & Co.    to be integrated quickly and   tion system. This system is   systems are the most flex-
           KG has devised solutions   the results to be analyzed.   equipped with an odometer   ible when it comes to link-
           for these specific appli-  The quantity and speed   and an angle encoder and   ing production processes.
           cations, in particular for   of production require the   is installed on the vehicle’s   Compared to manually op-
           transporting glass racks   material flow to be reli-  drive wheels, resulting in   erated forklifts, AGVs are
           and L-frames. However,   able, a step during which   even more accurate navi-  gentler on the transported
           this is just a single part   automated guided vehicles   gation, while a map of the   product and also do not
           of the digital system. The   are often deployed to cov-  environment is marked   cause accidents. However,
           company has developed its   er a wide range of tasks.    with the precise positions   as long as people remain in
           own application server as a   Grenzebach has installed   of the wall reflectors. An   the driving area, the vehi-
           modular platform on which   a laser system in the en-  alternative method is to use   cles must be able to perform
           all digital production pro-  tire driving area which is   contour navigation, which   emergency stops, a process
           cesses can be mapped. All   used to navigate the ma-  does not require an unre-  generally associated with
           devices and machines on   chines. The environment is   stricted view of reflectors,   abrupt braking.
           the shop floor are connect-  mapped using a navigation   but is performed by the   The share of automated
                                                                                        guided vehicles in the floor
                                                                                        conveyors product group
                                                                                        is currently still in the low
                                                                                        single-digit  percentage
                                                                                        range, exact figures are not
                                                                                        (yet) available.

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