Page 112 - Glass-Technology International no. 5-2018
P. 112


                                                                   Guardian Industries, a global company headquartered in Auburn
                  ARCHITECTURAL PROJECT                           Hills, Michigan, operates facilities throughout North and South
                                                                  America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Guardian
                                                                  companies employ 18,000 people and manufacture high-performance
                                                                  float glass; coated and fabricated glass products for architectural,
                                                                  residential, interior, transportation and technical glass applications;
                                                                  and high-quality chrome-plated and painted plastic components for
                                                                  the automotive and commercial truck industries. Guardian’s vision is
           lectivity neutral coated   primary function of these   to be a preferred partner to our customers, suppliers, employees and
           glass with SunGuard SN    fins is the continual pursuit   communities based on a foundation of mutual benefit. This drives our
           70/41 as the external     of improved energy effi-      relentless focus on improving people’s lives by providing products
           pane. The SuperNeutral™   ciency and sustainability, as   and services they value more highly than their alternatives and doing
           (SN) family is one of the   they protect the structure   so responsibly while consuming fewer resources. Guardian is a wholly
                                                                 owned subsidiary of Koch Industries, Inc.
           coated glass options in the    from direct exposure to the
           Guardian SunGuard high    sun. This advanced mate-
           performance architectural   rial, EFTE, allows light to
           glass range. With 70 per   pass through, but not heat,   the west, east and south   ings, seeking to promote
           cent light transmission, this   making backlighting a pos-  façades at different criti-  environmentally-friendly,
           solution provides a neutral   sibility. This allowed the   cal times every day of the   as well as financially vi-
           appearance with maximum   architects to create a con-  year, led to an efficient   able, comfortable proper-
           solar control. The façade   tinuously evolving façade.   design that enables signifi-  ties. The category of the
           system enables free ven-  During the day, the move-  cant energy savings, as well   certification for Castellana
           tilation of glazing edges,   ment of the sun and shad-  as improved comfort and   77 was “Platinum” in the
           which prevents unwanted   ing (which depends on    wellbeing for the building’s   Core & Shell system.
           condensation.             light intensity) generate a   occupants.           This   distinction  was
                                     brightly changing image                            awarded to the building,
           EFTE FINS FOR             on the façade. At night,   LEED SUSTAINABILITY     among other factors, on
           IMPROVED ENERGY           its identity emerges from   AND CERTIFICATION      account of its:
           EFFICIENCY                inside the fins with differ-  Castellana 77 is now a   - Energy  efficiency:  the

           Another poignant feature   ent light configurations,   building with a high level   glazed façade and so-
           of the architectural work at   achieved using several kilo-  of sustainability. For this   lar protection fins, as
           Castellana 77 are the EFTE   metres of installed LED   reason, it received LEED   well as energy man-
           (Ethylene  Tetra-Fluoro-  lights.                  certification (Leadership in   agement and control
           Ethylene) fins, which were   Ultimately, the façade of   Energy and Environmental   performance, result in
           specially designed for this   Castellana 77, with 70 per   Design) awarded by the   maximum thermal and
           project, with a specific ori-  cent SunGuard SN 70/41   US Green Building Coun-  lighting comfort for oc-
           entation and curvature to   glazed units and EFTE   cil, a group of construction   cupiers of the building.
           allow them to flow through   fins, enables low-emissivity   industry leaders promoting   This helps to reduce en-
           the skin of the building,   and high solar control ca-  and fostering environmen-  ergy consumption by up
           giving it a unique, distinc-  pacity. A rigorous study of   tally-sound structures.   to 33 per cent per year,
           tive shape. Regardless of   the building’s exposition   LEED is one of the most   compared to a conven-
           their aesthetic purpose, the   to the sun and shade on   prestigious worldwide cer-  tional building with the
                                                                  tifications that evalu-  same usage and surface
                                                                    ates the sustainable   area. The air condition-
                    LUIS VIDAL   ARQUITECTOS                         behaviour of build-  ing and lighting systems

              luis vidal + arquitectos is an international architectural practice that provides
              high quality and innovative design-led solutions to challenging projects.
              Leading architects of the London Heathrow Terminal 2 project, this practice
              has offices across Spain, the United Kingdom, Japan, Dominican Republic,
              the United States and Chile, and an international workforce of over 150
              architects co-existing with a strong background and solid experience in a wide
              range of disciplines including planning, building and industrial design.
              Founded in 2004, luis vidal + arquitectos has built up a consistent career
              path expressed in more than 200 projects and different scales. The practice
              is internationally renowned for its expertise in the design of aviation and
              healthcare buildings, having become one of the leading and most innovative
              practices committed to delivering functional, responsible and professional
              designs as an answer to the urban and social challenges of today.

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