Page 129 - Glass-Technology International no. 5-2018
P. 129

             Optical   light absorption, wavelength conversion, optical thin film
             Electromagnetic  insulation, dielectric, conducting film
             Mechanical   heat-resistance, fire-prevention, low-temperature sealing  Fiber is widely used in con-  StellaShine™, super heat-
                       high-strength realized through chemical strengthening or   struction and civil engi-  resistant glass-ceramics for
                       crystallization Chemical: acid-resistance, alkali-resistance,   neering areas as a reinforc-  cooking appliances
                       sustaining release of chemicals
            Other                                             ing material in GRC (glass   StellaShine™ has excel-
                      gas barrier, strengthening plastic and cement
                                                              fiber reinforced concrete)   lent thermal shock resist-
                                                              and to prevent cracks in   ance and does not crack
                                                              mortar and concrete. Its   even when splashed with
            Precision cutting, precision polishing, pre-forming, firing (crystallization), fiber
                                                              reinforcement effect pro-  cold water after repeatedly
           pro- cessing, powder processing, paste processing, green sheet processing,
                                                              vides the strength for com-  being heated to 800°C.
           compounding, coating, patterning, precision redrawing, metallic joining,
                                                              plicated designs without   StellaShine™ is used for
           welding, sealing, accumulation process, perforation
                                                              the need to use reinforcing   top plates of gas and IH
                                                              steel and improves instal-  cookers, and is known for
                                                              lation efficiency through   its safety properties.
           generation facilities and   IMPROVING SAFETY       modularization of parts
           focusses on developing   AND COMFORT               and increases the possibili-
           ultra-thin light-weight mir-  FireLite™, fire-rated glass  ties of architecture.
           rors for use in future solar   With an extremely low
           power generation in space.  coefficient of thermal ex-  E-Glass Fiber
                                    pansion, FireLite™ can    Rigid urethane resin is re-
           E-Glass Fiber            with- stand rapid tempera-  inforced with E-Glass Fib-
           Wind power generation    ture changes and does not   er to produce plastic foam
           uses wind to generate    break during a fire even   material which can be
           electricity. Wind turbine   when hosed with water.   finished to create a wood
           blades made of glass fiber   FireLite™ meets US UL*   texture. With excellent
           reinforced plastic (GFRP)   standards. FireLite Plus™ is   strength, lightness, corro-
           using NEG E-Glass Fiber   made of layers of FireLite™   sion resistance, and ease
           are light- weight and have   laminated together and   of forming, this material is
           weather resistance that can   will not shatter even when   used to simulate wood in
           withstand strong wind, salt   it breaks. This is the only   railway ties and other ap-
           damage, UV light, and oth-  laminated glass approved   plications.
           er factors.              for use in fire protective fa-
                                    cilities in Japan.        HOME APPLIANCES
           Solar mirrors            *Underwriters Laboratories  – GLASS PRODUCTS
           Almost 100 per cent reflec-                         FOR DAILY LIFE
           tance is realized by form-  Invisible Glass™, ultra-low   Neoceram, super heat-
           ing 100 dielectric layers on   reflection glass     resistant glass-ceramics
           glass substrate with high   Bare glass has a luminous   With excellent thermal
           light transmittance and   reflectance of approximately   shock  resistance,  me-
           heat resistance and a low   4 per cent per side, however,   chanical strength, hard-
                                                                                         Nippon Elect
           coefficient of thermal ex-  the reflectance of Invisible   ness, heat uniformity,   Nippon Electric Glass Co.
           pansion. The coatings are   Glass™ is around 0.08 per   and electrical properties,
           resistant to 300°C or more   cent to 0.5 per cent per side.   Neoceram is used all over
           and the solar mirrors are   It minimizes light reflec-  the world. It is formed
           used in photovoltaic power   tance, making it ideal for use   into plates, tubes, and  d
           generation. We combined   in showcases and protective   pressed products, and  d
           this with ultra-thin glass   picture frame covers.  used in cookware and  d
           technology to develop mir-                         wood-burning stove and  d   7-1, Serian 2-chome, Otsu,
           rors for use in outer space   ARG Fiber            fireplace windows. It can  n   Shiga 520-8639 - Japan
                                                                                          Tel.: +81 - 77 - 5371700
           for the Space Solar Power   With its exceptional alkali   also be coated with thin  n  Fax: +81 - 77 - 5344967
           System (SSPS).           and acid resistance, ARG   heat reflective film.

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