Page 127 - Glass-Technology International no. 5-2018
P. 127

tronic devices such as
                                                               ICT AND                  power    semiconductors.
                                                               SEMICONDUCTORS           Material design can be op-
                                                               The information commu-   timized for each applica-
                                                               nication field is constantly   tion. Processed products
                                                               undergoing rapid market   also include green sheets,
                                                               changes and technologi-  glass paste, and tablets.
                                                               cal innovation. Glass with
                                                               excellent properties, such   Glass for optical
                                                               as transmittance, herme-  communication
                                                               ticity, and electrical insu-  By utilizing material devel-
                                                               lation, plays an important   opment, precision machin-
                                                               role in optical and elec-  ing, and assembly tech-
                                                               tronic devices that sup-  nologies required for glass
                                                               port a highly information-   manufacturing, NEG pro-
                                                               oriented society.        vides various products that
                                                                                        connect high-speed optical
                                                               Glass substrate/cover glass  communication networks.
                                                               NEG offers a variety of   Products include micro
                                                               glass substrate products   prisms, micro lens arrays,
                                                               which have optical and/  micro balls, aspherical lens-
                                                               or  electrical  functions,  es, and micro capillaries.
                                                               mechanical strength, and
                                                               chemical durability. Ap-  Glass frit for laser-sealing of
                                                               plications include cover   ceramic package
                                                               glass for image sensors and   NEG developed the world’s
                                                               infrared absorbing filters   first glass frits for laser-
                                                               used in sophisticated cam-  sealing of ceramic pack-
                                                               eras, and glass for support-  ages that are an optimal
                                                               ing semiconductor wafers   solution to sealing glass
           filters, and band pass filters   Lamion™. This hybrid ma-  used in the semiconductor   lids and ceramic cavities.
           are important parts of in-  terial has both the abrasion   manufacturing process.  NEG glass frit for laser-
           vehicle sensors.         resistance and gas barrier                          sealing of ceramic package
                                    properties of glass and the   Functional powder glass/glass   enables local laser heat-
           Lamion™, ultra-thin glass   light weight and shock re-  paste                ing, which reduces thermal
           laminated on resin       sistance of resin. It is being   These are widely used to   damage and contributes
           G-Leaf™   is  laminated  used in train station plat-  form insulating films, coat   to increased reliability and
           onto one or both sides of a   form doors and covers for   electronic  components,  extended lifetime of elec-
           resin plate or film to make    digital signage.      and hermetically seal elec-  tronic devices.

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