Page 18 - Glass-Technology International no. 5-2018
P. 18

    c                                                          This issue will be distribuited at

                                                                                    Milan, Italy

      articles          articles                                              1-4 October 2019
           114  TecnoFerrari                                             ENERG
                                                                         ENERGY EFFICIENCYY EFFY EFFICIENICIENCYCY
                   working with and for printing                        Chemists could make  120
                   and logistics for Industry 4.0                        ‘smart glass’ smarter
                                                                          by manipulating it
                                                                            at the nanoscale
           118  NSG
                                                                         lowly” is the op-
                                                                             dent and fi rst author R.
                                                                                  product found in windows of newer
                                                                         erative word; typi-
                                                                             Colby Evans, whose idea –
                                                                        “Scal smart glass   exercise for graduate stu-  “Smart glass,” an energy-efficiency
                                                                        takes several minutes to
                                                                             and passion for the chem-
                   Pilkington glass to protect the                      reach its darkened state,   istry of color-changing   cars, buildings and airplanes, slowly   nanoparticles trap lithium   particles came into contact   particles, to avoid ion-  tions in nanoparticles, and I  I andndd
                                                                             materials – turned into an
                                                                        and many cycles between
                                                                                  changes between transparent and
                                                                             experiment involving two
                                                                        light and dark tend to de-
                                                                             types of microscopy and
                                                                        grade the tinting quality
                                                                        over time. Colorado State
                                                                                                  used scanning electron mi-
                                                                        University chemists have   enlisting several collabo-  tinted at the flip of a switch.  ions, slowing down the   with each other. They then   trapping interfaces.  expect that we will leverage
                                                                                             process. Over time, these
                                                                                                           this new tool to study un-
                                                                             rators. Evans, who com-
                                                                                                      OTHER APPLICATIONS
                                                                             pleted a summer internship
                                                                                             ion traps also degrade the
                                                                                                           derlying processes in a wide
                   ‘The School of Athens’ cartoon                       jor improvement to both   funded by the CSU Energy   material’s performance. mi-  resolution images of the   Their imaging technique of-  range of important energy
                                                                        devised a potentially ma-
                                                                                                  croscopy to obtain higher-
                                                                                                           technologies,” Sambur said.
                                                                        the speed and durability of
                                                                                                      fers a new method for cor-
                                                                                                  length, width and spacing
                                                                             Institute, is advised by
                                                                                             To support their claims,
                                                                                                           The paper’s co-authors
                                                                                                  of the nanoparticles, so
                                                                                                      relating nanoparticle struc-
                                                                        smart glass by providing
                                                                             Justin Sambur, assistant
                                                                                             the researchers used bright
                                                                                                             COMPANY PROFILE
                                                                             professor in the Depart-
                                                                        a better understanding of
                                                                                                  they could tell, for example,
                                                                                                      ture and electrochromic
                                                                        how the glass works at the
                                                                                      cles, which are 100 times
                                                                             The smart glass that Evans
                                                                        nanoscale.  ment of Chemistry.  Evans said. Typical tung- glass  tungsten-oxide nanoparti-  croscopy to observe how   how many particles were   properties; improvement of   worth, a former Research
                                                                                             tungsten-oxide nanopar-
                                                                                                      smart window performance
                                                                                                           Experience for Undergrad-
                                                                                                  clustered together, and how
                                                                        They offer an alterna-  and colleagues studied is   panels take 7-12 minutes   smaller than the width of a   ticles absorb and scatter   many were spread apart.  is just one application that   uates student from Winona
                                                                        tive  nanoscale  design  “electrochromic,”  which  to transition between clear   human hair. Their experi-  light. Making sample smart   Based on their experimen-  could result. Their approach   State University; Christina
                                                                                                      could also guide applied re-
                                                                                                           Cashen, a CSU chemis-
                                                                        for smart glass in new re-  works by using a voltage   and tinted.  ments revealed that single   glass, they varied how   proposed that the perfor- Nippon
                                                                                                  tal fi ndings, the authors
                                                                        search published on 3   to drive lithium ions into   nanoparticles, by them-  much nanoparticle materi-  search in batteries, fuel cells,   try graduate student; and
                                                                        June in Proceedings of the   and out of thin, clear fi lms   NANOPARTICLES   selves, tint four times fast-  al they placed in their sam-  mance of smart glass could   capacitors and sensors.  Christopher R. Weinberger,
                                                                                 TINT FASTER
                                                                        National  Academy  of  of tungsten oxide. “You   er than fi lms of the same   ples and watched how the   be improved by making a   “Thanks to Colby’s work,   a professor in CSU’s De-
                                                                        Sciences.  The  project  can think of it as a bat-  The researchers specifi cal-  nanoparticles. That’s be-  tinting behaviours changed   nanoparticle-based mate-  we have developed a new   partment of Mechanical
                                                                        started as a grant-writing   tery you can see through,”   ly studied electrochromic   cause interfaces between   as more and more nano-  rial with optimally spaced   way to study chemical reac-  Engineering.
           120 Chemists could make ‘smart glass’                        120 Glass-Technology International 5/2019  Electric Glass
                                                                                                        Glass-Technology International 5/2019
                   smarter by manipulating it at the nanoscale                                   DELIVER INNOVATIVE GLASS
                                                                                                    UNIQUE SOLUTIONS TO
                                                                                                Since its establishment in
           123 Nippon Electric Glass                                                           the era, accumulating and refining   and functions. It can be   ture. concrete and provides a so-
                                                                                                1949, Nippon Electric Glass has
                                                                                                consistently developed and supplied
                                                                                                         pecial glass can be
                                                                                               new products to meet the needs of
                                                                                                         formed into a variety
                                                                                                        S of shapes and infused
                                                                                                        with different properties
                                                                                                             lution to aging infrastruc-
                                                                                               glass manufacturing technologies.
                                                                                                        made into unique materi-
                   unique solutions to deliver                          123                    pursue its goals, providing world-  creases the speed and ca-  mulated technical know-
                                                                                                        als and products for use
                                                                                                            TECHNICAL KNOW-
                                                                                               In this article we take a look at
                                                                                                        in diverse fi  elds such as IT
                                                                                                            HOW WITH UNIQUE
                                                                                                        medical care, lighting, ar-
                                                                                               how this company is continuing to
                                                                                                            Nippon Electric Glass
                                                                                                        chitecture, and the energy
                                                                                                            (NEG) combines its accu-
                                                                                                        sector. Special glass in-
                   innovative glass products                                                   class innovative glass manufacturing   It doesn’t break at high   since it was established
                                                                                                            how with unique solutions
                                                                                                       pacity of data communica-
                                                                                                       tion. It makes automobiles
                                                                                                            to deliver innovative glass
                                                                                                       lighter and stronger and
                                                                                                            products for use in in-
                                                                                               technologies and products.
                                                                                                       improves fuel effi  ciency.
                                                                                                            dustry and daily life. The
                                                                                                            company has, in fact, been
                                                                                                            developing and providing
                                                                                                       temperatures and protects
                                                                                                            glass suitable for the times
                                                                                                       against fi  re. It reinforces
                                                                                                           in 1949. Beginning with
                                                                                                         Glass-Technology International 5/2019
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