Page 24 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2017
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                                                                    S¸IS¸ECAM GROUP    “S˛is˛ecam has assumed
                                                                                       a leading position in
                       INVESTMENTS FOR NEW GLASS                                       the development of the
                                                                                       composite industry”
                                     FIBER PLANT IN TURKEY
                                                                                       S˛is˛ecam Group has been
             S˛is˛ecam Group has     Globally it operates in 13   of starting and developing   operating in the field
             announced a new         countries and its sales   the glass industry in the   of glass fiber, one of
             investment of around    operations expands to 150   country, our Group has   the main inputs of the
             EUR 100 million to build   countries, Prof. Ahmet   gained a strong global   composite industry, since
             a glass fiber production   Kırman, Vice Chairman   position in its business   1974, Ahmet Kırman
             plant in Turkey with a   and CEO of S˛is˛ecam    fields in more than 80    continued, “S˛is˛ecam
             capacity of 70 thousand   Group, stated  “We are   years. The investment   has a leading position in
             tons/year. The company   the world’s third largest   is a strategic decision   starting and developing
             is continuing to build its   manufacturer of glassware   to support the growth   the Turkish composite
             investments at a rapid   and the fifth largest    strategy and the Group   industry, which has now
             pace.                   manufacturer in glass-   will continue to grow    reached a volume of
             Noting that the glass fiber   packaging and flat glass   through new investments,   1.2 billion Euros. It has
             is the main component of   fields. Besides, we are No.   new partnerships and   recently gained further
             many leading industries   1 in Europe in the field   acquisitions. “       importance for the wind
             and primarily automotive   of flat glass. In addition   Stating that they   power, electronics,
             and textile industries in   to being the world leader   have made a strategic   aviation, space and
             Turkey, Prof. Dr. Ahmet   in chromium chemicals,   investment decision in   defense industries in
             Kırman, Vice Chairman   we rank among the top    the field of glass fiber,   addition to the leading
             and CEO of S˛is˛ecam    10 soda producers of the   the main component     industries of our
             Group, said that the    world.”                  of Turkey’s leading      country. The new
             investment is a strategic                        industries which mainly   plant, which is to be
             decision to support     “We now have a strong    include the automotive   commissioned in the
             the growth strategy     global position.”        and textile industries,   second half of 2018, will
             and that the Group                               Prof. Ahmet Kırman       have an initial annual
             will continue to grow   According to Prof. Kırman,   continued: “Kaolinite and   production capacity
             through new investments,   the Group is moving   boron are among Turkey’s   of 70,000 tons and
             new partnerships and    towards its goal of ranking   main raw materials   will reinforce our glass
             acquisitions.           among the world’s top    and  this investment will   solutions and services
             S˛is˛ecam has a growing   three manufacturers in its   help turning domestic   with further value added
             global presence with more   fields of activity. “Founded   resources into value added   products for all the
             than 21,000 employees.   in 1935 with the mission   products”.            industries we serve.

                                            ANCHOR GLASS      plants during the interim period.
                                                              “Carlos brings decades of glass
                   PRESIDENT AND CEO                          manufacturing experience to Anchor Glass
                                                              and will help guide our employees and
                   TAKING TEMPORARY                           leadership team to continue executing on
                                                              our business strategy and our commitment
                      LEAVE OF ABSENCE                        to quality,” said Jim. “I am committed
                                                              to Anchor Glass, our customers, employees and senior
            Anchor Glass Container Corporation has announced   leadership team, and I hope to be able to return to the
            that its President and CEO, Jim Fredlake, is taking a leave   company in a full-time capacity later this year.”
            of absence for personal reasons. During his leave, Jim will   “Jim has built an exceptional executive team at Anchor
            remain on its board of directors. During Jim’s absence,   Glass with years of experience in glass packaging
            Anchor Glass board member and non-executive Chairman   manufacturing, sales and operations,”
            of BA Glass, Carlos Moreira da Silva, will serve as the   said Thomas Kichler, chairman of the board.
            interim CEO. Carlos has decades of experience in the glass   “We have full confidence in the team’s ability to continue
            industry, and he will spend a significant amount of time   implementing the company’s strategy under Carlos’s
            at corporate headquarters in Tampa, and the company’s   guidance.”

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