Page 28 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2017
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                                   AT THE CORE

               OF ASIA PACIFIC GLASS

                                                                                   2017 STARTS

                                                                             ON A HIGH NOTE

             With a new order for 21   themselves. TIAMA’s    BDF Industries has       on-site delivery services.
             machines, TIAMA is the   tailored inspection and   launched into 2017 with   And last but not least,
             preferred supplier in the   service has played a key   three major successes.   BDF Industries has
             Asia Pacific Glass (APG)   role in ensuring that   The company has, in     acquired ECS Numerical
             state-of-the-art glass   APG’s Cold End area     fact, secured a furnace   Control, an absolute
             plant 100% equipped with   now vies with the most   rebuilding project at   leader in the Italian
             TIAMA machines at the   prestigious glass plants   Glassforce, Aba Plant   market and a great
             Cold-End.               worldwide.               Nigeria. After many years   innovator in the sector as
             Back in 2013: Thailand,   The success of the new   of operations, Glassforce   a whole.
             Bangkok, the glassmaker   factory led to the decision   Ltd. and its partner   ECS Electronic Systems
             confirmed its entry      to install a second      Consol South Africa has   S.p.A. was founded in
             on the dynamic Thai     furnace for 2017. It was   appointed BDF Industries   1970 with the aim of
             hollow-glass market with   logical for APG to call on   for furnace rebuilding in   designing, producing and
             a project to build a new   Tiama’s expertise once   Nigeria in 2017. BDF   distributing numerical
             factory with an initial 310   again for this addition.   will provide complete   controls for machine tools
             TPD furnace with three   The company had been    technological equipment   (milling, turning and
             dedicated production    supportive and involved   and service on a turnkey   cutting). In the Numerical
             lines to source Carabao,   since the very beginning   basis, confirming the   Controls sector, which
             Thailand’s energy drink   and a genuine relationship   strategic strength in terms   includes in addition to
             leader.                 had developed.           of equipment and service   the CNC also motors
             TIAMA was selected to   Today, with a new order   in the Region.          and drives for axes and
             perform the Cold End    for 21 machines, it is no   The second major      spindle, ECS has assumed
             Inspection with its best-  surprise that TIAMA is   announcement is that   an increasingly important
             selling MCAL4, MULTI4   the preferred supplier in   BDF Industries has    role in terms of market
             and MX4. In the summer   this state of the art glass   successfully completed   share and it has gradually
             of 2016, after almost   plant 100% equipped with   the delivery of a turnkey   expanded its commercial
             three years of close    TIAMA machines at the    glass plant in Angola.   and technical presence in
             collaboration with TIAMA   Cold-End.             After the completion     Europe and throughout
             offering its glass quality   TIAMA has also      of all design, detailed   the world.
             control know-how to     strengthened its presence   engineering, equipment
             this young but ambitious   in Thailand and south   manufacturing, steelwork
             player, not only are the   east Asia with a local   and MEP arrangements,
             machines performing     Customer Support team    all the materials and all
             excellent inspections,   based in Bangkok, with   the 297 containers have
             in line with TIAMA’s    5 after-sales engineers   been delivered to site,
             latest developments, but   dedicated entirely to this   ready for the erection
             all production lines are   market. The ability of this   phase. Thanks to good
             running with consistent,   team to ensure proximity   project management
             repeatable and reliable   and support in response   and carefully-selected
             quality control levels   to local needs, explains   suppliers, BDF has
             maintained by strict    the noteworthy presence   achieved the important
             operational protocols   and success of TIAMA in   target of manufacturing,
             maintained by APG staff   the region.            factory tests and complete

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